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    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeMay 24th 2012 edited
    You said it's difficult for you to read the posts.

    Do you have your browser set to a higher magnification?

    In the lower right corner is a little tab on the bottom bar. It probably says 100%.

    Click on that once and the screen goes to 125%. Click again it goes to 150% (thats what I use). Click a third time and it goes back to 100.

    Or click the down arrow beside it and choose your own mangifier. Wherever you leave it the browser will remember next time.

    There are other ways too. Let me know.
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeMay 24th 2012
    Keep in mind that different browsers work differently. I am assuming that Wolf's instructions are for Internet Explorer

    In Safari under the view menu you can Zoom in and out and also just zoom text.

    In FireFox there is a Zoom submenu under the View menu.

    In Google Chrome under the view menu you can Zoom in and out.
    • CommentTimeMay 24th 2012
    Thanks to you both. My comment was directed to the difficulty in reading a lengthy message that is written in capital letters. For some reason, my mind fags out halfway through, and I stop, even though the message is informative. Maybe it's my age (82). I also notice lately that when I go down the four brick steps at the front of my house, it's hard for me to see where one step ends and the other starts. It's time to buy a paint brush, dig out the leftover white paint in the basement and paint a 2 inch strip to outline each step. But since I have your attention, Wolf, it was a Social Worker friend that I asked to recommend a stress counsellor. She had been to this particular one, and, as I said, I think we all need a professional to help us through handling this job, because it's a killer. I'm still having problems with the Royal Trust Corporation on Canada, who is (are?) handling my husband's estate and who seem to be afraid of the 8 members of my husband's family, including his ex-wife. I figure they think it's easier to take on Granny than the 8 of them.
    Well, Mary, clearly the Royal Trust Corp. doesn't know who they are dealing with (you)! Just do your best Maggie Smith imitation (just saw her in the Best Imperial Marigold Hotel and she's my fav in Downton Abbey, if you watch that). I have no doubt that you will prevail.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 24th 2012
    Mary, you are not alone. I too have problems reading when they are in all capital letters. I do realize that for some that is the only way they can see to read so understand. I also have problems with the real long post, especially if they are 'deep' or not broken up with paragraphs.

    So you are not alone. I agree painting the steps may help you. We do not want you tumbling down them.
    • CommentTimeMay 24th 2012
    Thanks, Marilyn and Charlotte, for your support. I've spent too much of today trying to dealing with this large corporation. What I need is the name and contact info. of their General Manager, Estate and Wealth Management, in Toronto. Copies of my e-mails sent to the head office might help with the smaller fry here. I've tried Goggling for this info., but can't find this. Wolf, you live in Ontario, do you have any suggestions?
    Oh, my, Marilyn, I love to hear you have so much faith in me! Sometimes, I think they hope I'll just die, and they won't have to be bothered with me anymore. All I'm asking for is a direct answer to my question, "Did you receive the original document that I forwarded to you by e-mail?" More than 3 weeks and several e-mails later, I still don't have a direct answer from them.
    So tomorrow, I will send a copy of the original document by Registered Mail to the Trustee Officer and to her manager. Then no misinterpretation can be tried, which is what was what they did in Small Claims Court this Spring. Thank goodness, the Mediator called them on it.
    And Charlotte, it's so nice of you to care! I'll get the paint and brush out tomorrow. It's supposed to be warm, with temps up in the low 20's.
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeMay 25th 2012
    All caps are harder to read for almost everyone. Words lose their shapes, they all look like rectangles. If there is something in all caps that I really want to read I copy it into a text editing program and then convert the text to all lower case except for the first letter of each sentence. While on the subject, long postings are much easier to read if broken into paragraph.

    I'm no help on the other issues.
    • CommentTimeMay 25th 2012
    I've found the name and address for the President and CEO of Royal Bank, who owns Royal Trust and will send him a typed letter, registered mail.
    The movie that you mention, Marilyn, is playing nearby, and I plan to see it soon. Maggie Smith could handle this so beautifully. I don't have her presence- wish I did.
    By all means see it, Mary--you will really enjoy it!
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2012
    My daughter and I had lunch together and then went to see "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel," and what a treat it was. Maggie Smith and Judith Dench in India in an exotic hotel catering to seniors showed us it's not over until it's over. I was much encouraged. Thanks, Marilyn, I picked up a few pointers from Maggie on perseverance and taking control.