Since I have been in crisis mode this week I am not really familiar with your story. I certainly appreciate your comments to me!
Am I correct that your H has MS in addition to an AD dx? I remember the MS from other postings...My H has a seizure disorder in addition to the AD or related dx.
I just want to say hello, and that my best wishes are with you. Thank you for your helpful comments. It meant so much for me to be welcomed here so I just want to add my voice to welcoming you.
DH has MS - diagnosed in the early 90s. He did not have mobility issues until 2000 or so. We actually went to Paris in 1996 and walked all over the city! One of the best times we've had! He started using a cane, then a walker, then a manual wheelchair, then a scooter and finally a power wheelchair. He had to retire around 2000, so went on disability.
A few years ago I started realizing there was a cognitive problem with him. Asked his then-neuro who said it was probably the meds he takes for his muscle spasms. I insisted it was something else. She disagreed. I took him to a new neuro. She put him through a battery of tests - PET scans, MRIs, etc. The dx was MS-related dementia.