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    Friday--Took Paul to his Dr. apt.(nearly a 3 hour drive one way) he did well ,had to stop several times to pee,which he did not do.Got there in time for lunch-he ate fairly well then wanted to go to the BR again.We went still nothing-stopped for gas- again he needed to go to the BR.Again we went and still nothing. I needed to go into a store to look for a watch for him-so I took him to the BR as soon as we got into the store(nothing) put him in a wheelchair rather than trying to walk him through the store-we got to the jewerly counter and was looking at the watches when of course he wanted to go to the BR.I said can you wait just a few minutes he was like NOOOO O I need to go- RIGHT -we went and he did NOT GO. I gave up and put him back into the car and off to the dr we went. Got to the office took him to BR and at last he did go. Next we go into see the dr. and he was soooo good! He smileed and answered questions and for a little while I saw NO AD! The dr.said he seems to be doing quiet well- I told them THIS IS NOT THE MAN I LIVE WITH. I asked why do we have such steep ups and downs they just said was the nature of the disease. As for the dreadful ammonia level-they told me nothing we can do but continue the laxtolouse and have it checked once a month. So we left and started our LONG drive home and he did ok on the way home but was exhausted when we got here.
    I do not know about these drs.-or how is it that our LO knows just what to do when at the office.h well could have been a worse day-at least I did not have any REAL MESSES to clean on this trip.
    Gee Betty that sure sounds like Dado, except, he only does that at home, as you read about this week.
    And when we had the home visit of course he seemed so friendly and nice, and I was shocked how fast he responded to questions. (even though he could not always answer correctly)

    The peeing obsession seems to have stopped now with his second day on the seroquel.

    Sorry about the drive, sorry about your challenges, but so glad you did not have any big messes.
    • CommentAuthorms. magic
    • CommentTimeApr 21st 2012
    Yeah, I was the one with the big mess this weekend!
    At least it was at home ...
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeApr 21st 2012 edited
    ms magic, if you dare read the incontinence thread if you havent. it may lighten the load a bit to know you are not alone. !

    just for you guys having a bad time of this. peeing is just one of the obsessions. i guess be happy its not the other one to obsess over. like wanting to have a BM every few minutes and never knowing if its the real deal. :) you scramble alot faster- having them pull down pants and wanting to poop just anywhere will make you relieved its 'just' pee.
    • CommentAuthorms. magic
    • CommentTimeApr 21st 2012
    @ divvi: DH is obsessed with both peeing and pooping. Has been long before all of this.
    Part of the issue is MS-related though.

    The big mess we had this weekend was of the poop variety.
    He fell while transferring from wheelchair to toilet, so he went on the floor.
    • CommentAuthorms. magic
    • CommentTimeApr 21st 2012
    His real obsession is watches.
    He has about 30.
    Whenever we go into a store that carries watches, he has to look at them.
    The salespeople know him now!
    My poor husband walked to WM every day so the lovely people in the jewelry department would reset his watch. I'll bet there came a time where they went and hid when they saw him coming. Time meant so much to him even though he couldn't comprehend events.
    • CommentAuthorms. magic
    • CommentTimeApr 22nd 2012
    I am always deeply appreciative of the people who are kind to my husband.
    Some of the nicest people are at our Publix. They speak directly to him, they greet him, they offer to help.
    So often when someone sees a person in a wheelchair, they ignore the person as if he/she doesn't exist.
    Or they ask questions of me, as if he isn't capable of answering!
    ms.magic, I am also appreciative to people who are kind. Our Kroger and Lowes personnel are just great with him. They will stop and talk to him, say how nice it is to see him out, etc. There are some good people in this world!