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    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeApr 20th 2012
    On your threads I remember you mentioned there was at least one medical appointment today- maybe more than one?

    I am wondering how everything went? It seems like you have been doing so much just within the recent past...

    I had never heard of the intercoastal waterway until your posts, so I searched for it today and learned a lot!

    Sending you best wishes.

    I wish I had thought of the "witch" component of your name for myself, but I live in the middle of nowhere and "witchfromthemiddleofnowhere" does not have the same cachet.
    bridgewitch hope all is as well as can be with the appointment.

    abby, I almost sprayed coffee all over my computer with you "witch" name! :)