Just want to share a story that I hope will make you chukle.
Hubby and I went to see his doctor about 2 weeks ago for a check up and have the doc look at a mole on his nose. Sure enough it was the beginning of a cancerous spot. He has had them before and removed with no complications. So we set up a date and time, 2 weeks from now for him to come in and get it remove.
Next week he had to go back to the doc to be tested MMSE so he can continue to recieve Aricept. They do it once a year up here. Hubby then leaves to do other errands. Then in the afternoon he goes back to the same doc and waits so he could have the doc look at the mole on his face and set up an appointment to get it remove.
He comes home and tells me what he has done and I ask him why he went a second time when he had already gone a week earlier and everything was set up.
Well he responds: "I have to have a second opinion!"