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    dR. has prescribed 10 mg. of Paxil, an anti-depressant, for DH. Help for the delusional behavior and mild anger. HB is 85 and dr. says he finds this med is good for the "older folks". I wonder if there are common side effects and does it really help.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2012 edited
    shirley, i have no input for myself but i think there are some here using it or their spouses on it. many times the drs rx somthing like paxil or an antidepressant along with AD meds to combo attack symptoms like aggitation or paranoias. i hope it helps!
    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2012
    Hi, shirley,

    I took generic paxil for about three years. To be honest, it did not work well for me; I would have been about 40 when it was px.

    The two effects I experienced were sweating (not a glow- but sweating) and weight gain. When I look back on it I think why did I stay with it for so long? Then again, my age, symptoms, gender, etc seem to be quite different from your dh. I also must say that I am very sensitive to most meds. H can take 1 mg of ativan tid or qid and it just marginally calms him. If I take .25 I need to nap all day.

    H has had no experience with paxil so I can't speak to that. Because he has a a seizure disorder some meds just put him in crazy town...

    Wishing you the best.
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeApr 15th 2012
    Worked well with my wife in the past and she has been on it for 2 years as a mood stabilizer and to help with anxiety.
    DH started 10 mg. Paxil Sunday. Still no change I can see. Very delusional Getting his briefcase ready to go back to work. 86 yrs. old and retired 11 yrs.

    Does anyone know how long it takes for this stuff to kick in?

    He sees the dr. May 1. By that time I will need heavy-duty meds for myself.
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeApr 19th 2012
    it takes a couple of weeks anyhow. Probably by May 1. And it sticks for awhile after you stop. My daughter's been on it for several years and when she'd skip it, forget it, whatever, a few years ago, you could tell the difference in two weeks! And then take two weeks to gear back in. Get it down him!!

    And maybe ask for some emergency ativan too.

    what does the ativan do?
    DH has been on the 10 mg. of Paxil for two weeks. The improvement is very noticeable. Doesn't get fixated on certain things like before. Is still a bit paranoid but not to the extent as in the past. I sure hope this keeps up. I haven't seen him smile so much in years. Doctor said his appetite would probably increase and it sure has. Doesn't even exhibit the former dislike for meat although he prefers carbs and sweets.

    Thank you everyone for the kind words.
    • CommentTimeMay 1st 2012
    Shirley: I have taken ativan for years. Never on a regular basis, but when something has happened with the family that would cause me extreme stress. I think it is basically used for depression and anxiety. What I like about it (remember I have never taken it on a regular bases) is that whatever was bothering me and causing me stress...seems to go away. At least goes out of my brain so to speak and never have I felt like I was doped-up
    or never did it make me want to sleep. Usually, one pill a day for maybe a day or two helps me a great deal.

    My dh's neuro has prescribed it for him.