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    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2012
    Has anyone tried this? One of the spouses at the nursing home was recently advised by his neurologist to try this on his wife. I can't remember the dosage, but I know it was rather low. He seems to think he is getting results.... I am as always apprehensive. I have googled it and have read some information, and can research it on my own, but was just wondering if anyone had personal experience with it?
    • CommentAuthordonna L
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2012
    i have not heard about this Nikki, i googled it too last night. interesting. what results are they seeing. what stage , age and dx of the patient?
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2012
    Hi Donna, I am not really sure of her exact stats. I have been talking with the husband for over a year now. I know her dementia was caused from anesthesia. She is non verbal and bedbound. She is maybe 65? Her dose is 10mg. The changes he is seeing is that she is able to talk a little, and she is able to move her arms, open her hand, and is more responsive to him.

    I would see them and think, the poor bugger, he is in such denial.... but then yesterday as he was sitting on the bed with her, I saw her reach out and pull him to her. I saw her caress his arms and his cheek. And I saw him openly cry....... maybe it is actually working?

    Lynn is doing so well on the Marinol I am nervous about adding anything new, but I will talk to his neurologist and see if he has any personal experience with this. Interesting….