I tried doing a search to see if this topic has been broached before. Any noticeable changes due to sudden barometric pressures? (Either very high or low). .We had a sudden drop in barometric pressure over the course of the last day and DW's symptoms were SIGNIFICANTLY worse. Greater disorientation, bathroom issues, verbal, on an on. . If anyone has posted about this before or has read articles, I would be greatly interested. It is the only thing I could think of to have caused this additional increase in behavioral symptoms. Thanks in advance.
I know that I am affected by barometric pressure changes (low), and I think that some migraine sufferers notice this, too. If people notice changes in their mates' behaviour during full moon, it seems likely barometric pressure could do the same, too.
For a few years I have seen a definite change in DH due to barometris pressure.I also have always seen a change in myself,The Dr. said it affects people with enviromental allergies.
This article mentions it: "Alzheimer's patients can become agitated fairly quickly. Agitation from one member can lead to reactions from other members, and the cyclic momentum of agitation can be hard to break. The staff tells stories of changes in barometric pressure or right before major weather events when, one minute, everything is calm and, the next, problems seem to explode all around them."
It definitely affects DH and our dog, too! Today we have tornado warnings, heavy winds already and it's too warm for this time of the year. He has been out of it all morning. I got out our "storm bag" and checked it to make sure everything was in it and he wanted to know where we are going on a trip! Nowhere, I hope...
not only is it possible its plausible. we have long known that external environmental issues cause our bodies to react. aka sinus pressure and migraines can be caused by this as well. i know for a fact my arthritis AND my elder pet dog suffer with changes in the weather patterns. he limps with wet weather alot more. and DH has much worse sinus issues with wet weather. if you fly you know the pressure changes that can cause ear issues as well, and babies especially have severe ear issues with planes. not only barometric pressure changes can affect our loved ones but also the full moon. put in the search full moon here at joans, and there is a miriad of posts about changes we observe with our spouses. divvi