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    • CommentAuthorparmer65
    • CommentTimeFeb 27th 2012
    My wife and I have been married 46 years. She was injured in an accident in 1990. A car came through the building where she was working. She received a tramatic brain injury from the collapse of wall next to where she was standing. She had a long recovery and was in a TBI clinic for approximately 2-years. During that time she had heart failure due to some of the drugs they were giving her. She was then dropped from the program. They continued with a therapist each week for the past 20-years. Due to the type of work I did I was able to take her with me on all my business trips. I beleive that's how this disease was undetected for so long. I noticed a big change when I changed jobs in 2007. She became less focused and more confused by the day. The theripist also dropped her as she did not feel she was doing anything for her. My wife couldn't remember any of the visits. She has been diagnosed with Post Concussion Syndrome (PCS). It falls in line with dementia. I had to hire caregivers so I could continue working. That was a daily struggle as my wife had trust issues with strangers being in our home. I finally decided to retire and take care of her myself. At first it was like a long vacation for both of us. That lasted for a couple of months. Now my wife hardly knows who I am. She continues to ask when her husband will be coming home. It is difficult to watch the one you love become fearful of you.

    Thanks for listening...
    parmer I am so sorry for what happened to both of you. At least now you will never be alone. We understand.
    Welcome, parmer65. You have landed in a very soft place with understanding people going through or have gone through what you are.
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeFeb 27th 2012
    parmer, I am sorry you have a reason to be here but I am glad you found us. Any and all questions will be answered by "pros" and venting and ranting are allowed.
    Welcome and hang in with us.
    Welcome Parmer65. You certainly have landed in the right spot. So sorry you have to be here, but you will find the wisdom and knowledge beyond belief. Please stop back often, and remember, anything that comes up in your DW's situation, you will probably get lots of experience and help. Hang in there...
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeFeb 27th 2012
    welcome parmer65. so sorry to hear of this sad story with your wife. as we well know dementias come in many terrible forms. i hope you join in the conversations and feel free to ask or post any thoughts. we are a decent group of tried and true folks who know exactly how it is.
    HI parmer65, this is a place of refuge and comfort, I have been here just a short while, and it has helped me IMMENSELY!! Honestly I don't know how I could make it sometimes without this site.

    There is a wealth of information, anything you need to know just type it in the search.

    And you can say anything one gets mad when we need to rant and rave.
    So sorry to hear about your circumstances, but, you have come to a place where people understand and know what you are talking about.

    Welcome sorry that your going through this.
    Everyone here is compassionate and very helpful, feel free to ask for help or vent if you need to, we understand.
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeFeb 27th 2012
    parmer65, I echo everyone else’s welcome. We are here 24/7 so come back often. We understand & we will “listen” when you want to vent or have questions.
    Welcome aboard. At this website you will find a very knowledgible support group. They are here for a common reason and all are either spouses with live partners or ones whose partner has passed, but still try to offer information and support to the ones that are still in the trenches. Sorry that you have a circumstance which brings you here but glad you came. May God bless you and yours.
    Bruce D *
    welcome parmer, you have come to a place where everything is understood..... The people here are awsome, careing, and so very understanding. You will meet lots of great people, learn lots of things that will help with your daily existance and you will learn peace thru laughter, pain, and hope. Welcome......
    Welcome and visit as often as you can even if you don't join the conversations much..there are some who pop in on a now and then basis..But for those of us who are on board nearly every day, I don't think we could survive without the input from one another and every subject under the sun regarding caring for our LO is need to be embarrassed by any topic..we are at different stages of the " journey" as we call it...

    And life her on the boards is not always down in the dumps...we have humor and even special events virtual parties that lift the spirits..
    Welcome parmer65! You are among friends.
    • CommentAuthorparmer65
    • CommentTimeFeb 28th 2012
    Thank you all for your comments. It is very hard for me to talk about this. I have been in denial for years. Our children kept pushing me to get help which was difficult. I covered up a lot by taking my wife with me on business trips. But since retirement everything is out in the open. I deeply respect my wife. She is the love of my life. It is so hard to look in her eyes knowing she doesn't recognize me. Last night was a good night for her. Her confusion was minimal.

    Thanks again!
    Welcome to you parmer65. I understand about covering up--it wasn't until my husband stopped working that I realized something was seriously wrong--although there had been many subtle signs prior to that. Glad you found us.
    • CommentAuthorparmer65
    • CommentTimeFeb 28th 2012
    Because of our constant travel with my work, my wife thinks we are going somewhere most of the time. She thinks she has to pack the suitcase to be ready for the next trip and then gets angry with me when I tell her we are not going anywhere. She constantly tells me that I told her to get packed.
    parmer65, I am so sorry you have to be here. But we are ready to listen and help.

    • CommentAuthorMag
    • CommentTimeFeb 28th 2012
    parmer65, I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this. I also know about covering up. Once I started telling others about my husband it became easier to take him places and allow him to talk to others without me being embarrassed for him. I still think I go in and out of denial sometimes. It's hard to fully accept. I don't write often on the message board but I read the comments daily. It has helped me tremendously and I know it will help you, too.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeFeb 28th 2012
    parmer, welcome. This is a wonderful site which continues to help all of us. You are in good company-we have many husbands who are and have been wonderful, devoted caregivers for their wives.
    parmer65--if I may give you a little advice, let your wife pack the suitcase. The concept is called "therapeutic fibbing", and it basically consists of telling the dementia patient what they want to hear in order to keep them happy and keep the peace. Most of us have become very adept at doing this--it seems weird at first, but you get used to it as time goes on. There is no point in trying to use reason or logic with someone who has dementia--we have to enter their world. Just keep telling her that the next trip is tomorrow!
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2012 edited
    parmer, welcome to the family! I too found it difficult to open up at first. It gets easier, and it such a blessing to be able to communicate with people who truly understand the realm of emotions we experience.
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2012
    Wow, whatta story!
    But brain injury is brain injury be it external or internal and it can all affect the behavior that a spouse has to deal with.
    Sorry you have to join our little group but rest assured you are in the right place.
    • CommentAuthorparmer65
    • CommentTimeMar 3rd 2012
    Thank you all for your comments.

    marilyninMD..Thanks for the advise! I will let her pack her suitcase the next time. We have also been doing some renovation to our home which has caused some confusion as well. We have a historic home downtown which gets a lot of attention. She loves our home and I plan to live here as long as we can. It is a big house to take care of by myself. We also have a guest house on the same property that I'm trying to maintain as well. It is a job! The wife also is very possessive of her things...She is so afraid someone is going to take them and constantly misplaces things in the process. I spend a lot of time just looking for things she's misplaced. Her purse is her most valuable possession. She hides it and then has to look for it constantly. I am going to put a GPS in it so I can keep track of it as well.

    Thanks again for sharing..
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeMar 3rd 2012
    parmer maybe one of those devices that you use to 'find your keys' (it whistles or something) you could attach to her purse? it would be easier to find:)
    parmer65-perhaps you can convert your guest house to a B&B and we can have our get away. Where is your historic house?
    • CommentAuthorparmer65
    • CommentTimeMar 4th 2012
    bluedze..Good idea but I need the get away. I feel it is a B&B already only I am the one doing all the work. Our home is 40 miles north of Charlotte, NC. It was built in 1881 and has been fully restored. It is on the NC register of historic places. We have been the caretakers of this wonderful house for 26 years.
    parmer65 my daughter lives up your way and I know how beautiful and gracious your area is.
    • CommentAuthorparmer65
    • CommentTimeMar 5th 2012
    divvi..Thanks for the recommendation. I will use that trick to keep track of things. It is a constant problem.