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    Well, Lloyd has taken out his partial and it is gone...swallowed up by the house. So no trash leaves the house without my digging through it first. YUCK! When will I learn he cannot be trusted with his own teeth? The funny thing is he can't take his plate or partial out to be cleaned. I must do it for him and sometimes it is a battle. I found them in a shoe once...already checked all the shoes on the shoe rack. My grandson found them on the kitchen floor once...looked on all the floors. Found them in his pocket once...not there. I will look and pray that I find them. Then I guess I will have to confiscate his teeth unless he is eating or we are going out somewhere. Well, I will continue to search and let's have some fun with this. Let's hear what your LO has hidden where. He dropped my cell phone in a kleenix box once, too. Found it when the kleenix rang.
    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2012
    Wow you are taking me back!! Lynn was always losing his dentures! Three times we never found them, Lord only knows what he did with them. Was very costly to replace them. As much as I checked and checked, he just kept taking them out, just anywhere. Now of course he doesn't ever wear them, too confusing for him to know what they are. I sure hope you find it, best of luck!
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2012
    Linda, Rich still has all his teeth, but god knows what he does with everything else, including his cash. Can never find his wallet which he's obssessed with, found cash peeking out of the kleenex dispensor, still can't find a variety of things. Actually I find it very frustrating because when I replace something, it too disappears. Frustrating and costly...
    AND I'M A WINNER!!!!! In the bed!!! Of course this was after I went through every trash receptacle he had access to.
    Nikki, I can't believe they never eventually turned up unless they went in the trash, or got flushed, or ended up in a garbage disposal. Lloyd never really does it with his plate so I will just put the partial in the denture cup unless he's eating or going out. When he loses them, absolutely nothing leaves this house without being searched.
    LFL, I know what you mean. If Lloyd wants his wallet, I let him have it empty. He doesn't know the difference.
    Our house is generally full of teenagers on the weekends. It's not unusual to get up on a Saturday and find half a dozen kids sleeping on the living room floor. They all love Grandpa and he loves their little stuff. I always warn them about I-pods, cellphones, jewelry, car keys, wallets, money. They have been told all that stuff is fair game for Grandpa. He loves dancing with them, boxing with them, hugging them, sitting with them, and stealing their stuff. I usually walk around hiding stuff in end table drawers. Everyone in the house keeps their keys in an antique ice bucket. He loves that ice bucket, but never opens it. I suppose the day is coming.....
    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2012
    Lynn had a bad car accident in which he lost most of his teeth, the rest were pulled for full dentures. He never could adapt to eating with them in, so he always took them out, put them in a napkin and placed them in his shirt or pants pocket while he ate. Once I know he left them at the movie theater (they have tables with limo seats and have a full menu) I asked him if he had his teeth, he patted his shirt pocket and said yes. I saw the napkin so didn't think anything about it. Until we got home and he could find his teeth! I called the theater, but they were gone. They did find them, but threw them away. accccck.

    The other two times, no I never found them. I searched the house, the trash, just everywhere! He could have thrown them away, or even flushed them, I gave up trying to figure it out. Glasses were another thing I had to replace often. Not because they were lost, but because he destroyed them by sitting on them etc etc.

    Very glad you found them!!
    Apparently the person who tossed his teeth at the theater had no ides of the cost and were still blessed to have their own teeth.
    I am the one who destroys glasses by falling asleep with them on. Since I never break the lenses, I just go to WalMart and have the lenses put into new frames. Last time they only cost $9. Lucky me!
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2012
    Linda Mc, my DH got upper dentures about a year before he was dx. I was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to wear them, but he did fine. Fast forward to about 2 years ago. He wouldn’t soak them overnight & he kept them in his mouth. Problem is he would take them out in the middle of the night & then wake me up saying he couldn’t find them. He misplaced them more times than I can remember. After awhile he would take them out whenever he felt like it (a bit embarrassing in public!) Then he decided not to wear them at all & kept them in his pocket, so I decided not to fight it & I just put them in the medicine cabinet. He can eat pretty much everything, except really crunchy things.
    Quick Flash Back. My DH had hearing aids, the little tiny ones that look like cough drops. I was so afraid he would eat one. I know others in our group here faced that. My DH lost his hearing aid and I looked everywhere. I could hear it feed-back (ring) when I got close to him while holding the other one in my hand. I placed my head on his chest to listen closely and find where the ringing was coming from... raised my eyes ... looked up.. and lo! and behold!, there it was ---- stuffed up into his nostril so far I had to get medical help to remove it. It was up to the bridge of his nose.

    Top that! It was really funny LATER, but not so funny when I had to tell the nurse at the drop-in Emergency Medical Clinic that I was there "because my husband had a hearing aid stuck up in his nose."

    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2012
    Love that one,Nancy B. I never know where DH partials or his hearing aid will show up,the partials are sometimes under the bed,on the family room floor or in a pocket somewhere, He has stopped wearing his hearing aid since he has lost 3 plus the dog chewed 2.My orthotics were missing for 4 mo. and the ft,dr,said last week that I really needed to find them or get a new pair.Well, after looking everywhere for the last 4 mo., I found them in the file cabinet in the basement when I decided to start on our taxes. Can't imagine him putting them there,he avoids the basement all the time.Doesn't even want the dog to go there.He is always losing his wallet and that is really upsetting to him. He thinks I don't take it seiously enough.Bet you got talked about after you left the ER.
    Oh Linda, I had to laugh, I know it's not funny when it happens, well, we have not lost teeth YET!

    Oh that one too!

    Three pair of reading glasses, a wallet with quite a bit of money in it, and hearing aids...all gone, the stuff that cost heaps to replace.
    But...I was waiting for a fabric parcel from the states a while back, usually takes 10 days to get here, seemed to take forever to arrive, so I emailed the sender, it left there three weeks ago, checked with our post, yes it was delivered...Dh had not seen it, so i thought, someone may have picked it up outside our front door....then weeks later, we happen to go in his shed, that he keeps locked and hangs onto his keys with his life..and guess what i found, yes my parcel!...when I asked him about it, of course he didn't put it there...
    What gets me is, when and how does he get to do this without me seeing him...
    Oh, Nancy, you are the winner of the lost item contest!! Too funny!
    Julia and yhouniey, don't they just have to touch absolutely everything!!! It doesn't matter if they have any business touching it or not.
    Lloyd's partial is in the denture cup and I guess it will be there until he needs it to eat. I really don't want to replace that so I guess we will have to be very careful from now on. I get so tired of being vigilant. Besides they would never be able to get a good fit now since he comprehends very little and can't really talk. I do wonder what they would do in that situation.
    • CommentAuthorandy*
    • CommentTimeFeb 26th 2012
    I am loving these stories and I agree, Nancy you win hands down!!! Mine took his lower partial out because he said he had enough teeth already....will not wear it or go for a new one. Looks like a chipmunk when he eats. Oh well, we only eat at home any more.
    HB loves to get the mail,but is clueless as to what it is or it's importance. I have to be sure to be around when he brings it in or who knows what he will do with it. He reads the address like its not his or my name.......