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    My DH has been having some PT. Today the medical social worker called to set up an appt. In the course of conversation, she mentioned that at the meeting this morning my dh's meds were discussed and they thinknhenis on conflicting meds AND that he may not have ALZ but vascular dements which could be improved with med changes. I guess their nurse is to call our doc. Has anyone had experience like this?

    I know there can be cases of mixed dementias. Any thoughts?
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2012 edited
    mimi i just saw this post. my DH has a combo of vascular dementia and or alzheimers. i have also thought he could have a third type of lewybody - because he hallucinates alot since the beginning and acts out his dreams alot which is a symptom of this particular form. sometimes they just have to make the best educated guess. the meds are a hit/miss with each of the dementias except we do know the FTD type does not respond well to some of these medications and exacerbates symptoms rather than help. there is still much to learn.