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    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2012
    Silly me! We've been 4 months without a bout of incontinence and, then, this week, twice. I absolutely hate this! I give him 2 Immodiums/day along with his other drugs. He doesn't take many drugs, just the Celexa, Immodium and BP meds + vitamin D. Dh is amazingly healthy. But, he cannot control his bowels or bladder when he has to go. I thought I had struck on success by not letting him out of the house for 2 hours after eating breakfast. Then, it seems that lunch is the same problem. It wasn't this way last summer. We routinely would buy a sandwich and go to a park to eat our lunch and then go for a walk with no problems - well, sometimes he'd have to pee and couldn't make it to the toilet - not nearly as much a mess as this other.
    So, I'm wondering if I should up his Immodium and if it is more effective if I space out his doses of Immodium instead of giving it to him all at once. If I cannot get this incontinence under control, he will not be leaving the house. What are your experiences with this problem. Does this signal him moving into deeper waters? His memory is getting substantially worse this past year and it seems to have accelerated lately. Not sure what this portends.
    I am a bit confused. Does he have diarrhea? I thought immodium was only for that. In our case, first there was bladder incontinence at night, then during the day. The bowel incontinence came later and went from being occasionally to a constant thing. I didn't think anybody could get the incontinence under control. I think it is part of the disease.
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2012
    I'm sorry, Jang, I can see why you are confused. I know that Immodium cannot do anything about his leaky bladder. He evidently digests what he eat very rapidly and, without the Immodium, he does get diarrhea. This has been under control for a while and it seems that my holiday is probably over. I think I will give him more Immodium, I'm just wondering if I should split up his doses?

    I'm just hoping that part of the disease hasn't come to stay just yet. Did the bowel incontinence end your ability to take your husband out anywhere? That mess is so unbelievably gross to clean up anywhere, but, really disgusting in public - it really stresses me out more than anything else.
    I was lucky. For one thing, it wasn't diarrhea. For another, it never happened in public for which I was so grateful. I am afraid it would have ended my desire let alone ability to take him out to the mall or anywhere else. Have you talked to your doctor to see if there is anything better than immodium? I know that for myself, I would never use it again. I used it once years ago and it took me weeks to get back to normal. This has to be enormously stressful for you.

    I think I would go to the doctor and let him/her know how difficult this is for you and what can you do to deal with it.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2012
    i would not give more than 2 immodium a day unless directed by a dr. trying to change the diet to a more bulk type fiber may help but i tend to agree it does become part of the disease most of the time. incontinence is a factor and its a difficult one to overcome - if you take them out in public you should dress him appropriately incase it happens. the depends, pad and a plastic overpant to contain til you can get him to a place to clean up. you can still take them out for rides in car and walks this way without having it all over the place. you have to be creative and not let it ruin your life. its just another factor this horrible disease brings and it was horrible in the beginning but in my case, i just decided i would deal with it and move on. but there are many who decide this is the line in the sand and placement may become feasible if they cant deal.
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2012
    How I admire all of you that can handle this part of this terrible condition. My dh is a very modest man.
    He would be horrified for me to have to clean him up if he realized what I was doing. Also, I am
    just one of those that couldn't do it. I have come to grips with this and like Divvi said, it is my line in the sand.

    I know physically, I couldn't do the physical work it takes when they would have to be moved, lifted, help
    in any physical matter. Guess if push comes to shove, I could do it, but I know it would not be good for me. I don't know how you others do it, my hat goes off to you.
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2012
    I don't see placement as an option this year unless he takes a serious turn for the worse, and not just that he's incontinent. I will learn how to deal with this and I will get back in with his doctor and look into changing his diet. I was discussing this with him yesterday, probably he doesn't remember the conversation today, but he is aware that this is a problem for his leaving the house. Today, I added Benefibre to his coffee and we'll see how we do. We're off to church and we NEVER eat before church because of this problem; so wish us luck that it won't happen there.
    It's a beautiful day here, really beautiful!
    I remember talking about bowel incontinence with 2 other Alzheimer spouses. We agreed that we didn't know how we would deal with that when it came. We didn't think we could. Suddenly one day I realized that I was doing it and it was no big deal. It is amazing to me how we can change. When Gord was in rehab, the nurses were horrified that I didn't wear gloves. I couldn't see what the big deal was. Eventually, someone said that if the smell gets on your hands there seems to be nothing that will remove it. I started wearing gloves. He never seemed to notice that we had reached a new phase of our journey.
    Mothert, I wonder if my personal experience would be of help to you. About two years ago, my frequent loose bowel movements turned into diarrhea. Yes, I saw the GI who told me to just use Imodium to control it. I used up to five a day—one at a time—until it was controlled (usually one before bedtime). However, I finally discovered that my problem was food intolerances. When I avoid problem foods, I don’t need any Imodium and have no problem. In fact, I’ve used just two Imodium in the past month.
    This is aVERY tough thing to deal with.We do not have it all the time but have had to deal with it enough that I have learned to carry a bigger purse when we go out. A purse large enough to carry gloves,adult wipes,depends and a pair of tightly rolled up lounge pants.Sounds like a lot but if put in one of those plastic bags that you can roll the air out of,it will fit in a reasonable size purse or bag. I also carry a complete change of clothes in the car.I hate this incontience thing with a passion!!!! But I will not let it confine us to our home. The walls close in way too much-if I can not get out THE ROOF WILL COME OFF. Why does this d--- disease have to affect BOTH ends of our LO???
    Have I said how badly I HATE this disease???????????
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2012
    I'm not sure that the one with the disease actually has the worst end of this disease. Sad to say, but I think it is us, the caregivers. We remember and realize all that we have to give up and how our lives have changed and continue to change in addition to watching the systematic deterioration of the one we love. Yep, I think we get the worst of it for sure. Not to mention - what is left of us when this is all over???
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeFeb 6th 2012
    Hey divvi, thanks for the suggestions. I have depends, but I wonder if there aren't better options for adult diapers, something that might contain the mess better?? Might you know or anyone else? And, where might I find the items you suggested "the depends, pad and a plastic overpant to contain"?
    Thanks, mothert
    • CommentAuthoraalferio
    • CommentTimeFeb 7th 2012
    I have found the Abena Abri-flex Air Plus Pull-ons and Diaper to be the best adult diaper available. They cost a little bit more, but I believe they are well worth it. For additional protection during the night, I add Tena Super Absorbancy Overnight Pads. With a plastic pant over the diapers we have been able to reduce our leaks significantly.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeFeb 7th 2012 edited

    mothert i use these sani-pant plastic waterproof pants over the depends and the overnight tena pad - it works well when you have to take them out in public without having a mess on your hands until you can get them changed. you can go thru joans homepage to amazon and she will get credit for any purchases. they run about 12-13dol a peice but well worth it.
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeFeb 7th 2012
    Do you rinse these sani-pants out when they've been soiled or toss them? And, how do you decide on size as they will be going over the other things?
    I had a talk this morning with dh about wearing these items and he agreed he would. Hope he remembers when the time comes.
    Now, I guess I'll go shopping. Thank you!
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2012
    these plastic sani pants are washable in the washer! i throw them into the washer and dont heat dry just drip dry. they have lasted years. i got the large as thats what my DH would wear normally. they have the waist size on the box.and if you put over the depend you want a little wiggle room.
    most medical supply houses in your area would carry them.
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2012
    Thanks again, Divvi,

    I ordered a sample of Tena Pad because I wasn't sure what they looked like and figured this could help me figure out what size sani pant to order. Ain't life grand?
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeFeb 9th 2012
    mothert walmart sells overnight tenas and the regular long 42 count pads for about 12dol. target and most chain pharmacys as well.
    I think these alzheimer meds are one thing that makes the alz pts stools so loose each time they eat. Do any of you agree? My DH has to go to bathroom almost immediately after each meal. I haven't tried with my DH but my doc has me take Benefiber for irritable bowel syndrome. And principle is about the same. My hats off o you girls who can discuss undergarments with your spouse. My DH is too far gone. I just hid all his underwear and replaced with the depends. He does really well, but doesn't like wen I tear them, wants to wear again!
    • CommentTimeFeb 26th 2014
    One documented side effect of Aricept is GI upset. I asked my doctor to discontinue it.
    Surprising to me, I noticed he was much brighter off it, and until his death, I had my old husband back.
    However, his stomach and bowel problems continued.