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    Evidence that by focusing on eliminating the spread of the evil protein tau, cases may be able to be halted early on.
    Emily: I saw this and it is wonderful news for future patients. However, it is to late for me.
    Yeah, too late for us too. Sounds like something that can stop the spread (once they figure out how,) but not reverse damage. I'm hopeful for my children's generation.
    This was one of the news reports that actually sounds like a big deal.

    Apparently, the coconut oil issue is getting play again and I've been explaining to a friend that just because Dr. Newport's husband can now draw the clock, that doesn't translate into improved function re the ADL's. (Anyone who has been posting here for a while may remember she was a member; she's a physician whose husband has AD and she is a proponent of coconut oil as a treatment.) But I'm glad friends continue to read what the media puts out about AD, even if most of it is hype.
    We had a newbie in our support group last month who was wildly excited about coconut oil and what a miracle it is for her husband. The rest of us wisely kept our mouths shut and didn't try to rain on her parade.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2012
    I put that article up on the home page under Breaking News yesterday, because I, too, thought it was the only one I have read in years that showed real promise. And yes, too late for us, but maybe for those who come after us.
