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    • CommentAuthorMonika
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2012
    I got my DH a wheelchair so I can push him around. He can't walk so much anymore and often starts going really fast and almost trips. I then have to hold him really tight and a couple of tmes he has fallen trying to get up a curb, or trips over something uneven in the road. I want to take him to our church once a week for lunch. Tried out the wheelchair and didn't realize how hard it is to push someone around. This morning I woke up with a painful back. I was thinking if there are any wheelchairs with a small motor that I could control as the pusher. There must be something easier than this?
    Monikaa light weight transfer chair might be easier.
    • CommentAuthorMonika
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2012
    I do have a folding wheelchair that seems very light, however, it is a little hilly where I live and going down, I have to hold on to the wheelchair and going up I pushed very hard. Haven't been exercising much, I guess. Maybe I will get stronger.
    If that wheel chair is that heavy, don't go down hill facing the wheel chair down or it can get away from you. There are mechinaics needed to prevent runaway wheelchairs and injury. The place where you got the chair should provide some instruction. Also there are lightwt chairs, also some that are wide seats for larger patients.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2012

    I have a lightweight folding wheelchair for Sid, but I found that he was much easier to push in the hosptial wheelchair. No stress on my back or shoulders. I think it's because of the bigger wheels. Whatever it is, I was surprised. In the lightweight wheelchair, it's like pushing dead weight.

    • CommentAuthorMonika
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2012
    Well, now I ordered a transfer chair. Has 4 small wheels and is lighter. Maybe that will work better. Maybe also safer so he doesn't put his hands onto the larger wheel.
    • CommentAuthorcarosi*
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2012
    May sound nuts, but be sure he isn't messing with the wheel locks. If pulled only part way into position they act like brakes. Real hard to go that way.
    Monika, I picked up Lloyd's transfer chair yesterday. I got a prescription from the doctor and went to the medical supply place where they informed me that Medicare will only pay for one ambulatory device every five years!!! They gave him a walker when he came home from the hospital in April that was never used and still has the tags on it. But too bad for me!!! I had to pay for the transport chair. It would be really nice if someone would tell you this when possibly needing an ambulatory device. Love not having the big wheels which are totally useless to us anyhow!