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    Wow more learning to do it yourself! Had a mouse build it's nest in the engine of my car,knew I had to get rid of the nest and the little builder before he began chewing on electrical wires _so I found a tool in the garage with this long hookie thing on the end and was able to clean out nest.But what to do about the "builder"???? What else-I sat a mouse trap in the engine of my car and yeap I caught the little critter. The things we have to do!!!!!!
    • CommentAuthornellie
    • CommentTimeJan 6th 2012
    Amazing! I once knew a lady that kept poison all under hood due to mice eating on wires.
    youch. on various levels.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJan 6th 2012
    Congratulations on what I consider a BIG accomplishment. ARRRGGH!!!!!! Mice, yikes! I can't do mice. I can't.

    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJan 6th 2012
    i cant do it either. never occured to me to look under the hood for something alive. egads.
    • CommentAuthorcarosi*
    • CommentTimeJan 6th 2012
    The hungry little brats loove the wiring--coating has a vegetable oil base.
    • CommentAuthorandy*
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2012
    bak, you are my hero!! Something I hope I never have to do!
    Ingenious, bak! The things we have to do indeed! We are always coming up with new solutions to problems we never thought we would have to deal with...
    I later put mouse traps all over the garage to make sure I would get "THE FAMILY" also . BUT----as I was putting things in the back of the car I hear-SNAP-SNAP-SNAP.WOW that quick -nope DH was going around springing the traps he said"you can not put these out here something might get stuck in them" Ok so he was right but I said that is the idea,I need to catch the mice.Ok he says but just don't use the traps. OK I said I will use the fish net,alright DH says that should work.......
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2012
    bak, loved the comment about the fish net! Have you used D Con? When we lived in Ohio a farm field backed up to our yard and we would get mice visiting quite often. With D Con the mice eat it and then try to find water which is usually outside. One morning the was a mouse crawling toward the garage door so I finished him/her off with a broom!
    I recently got another cat. Hope she is as death on those rodents as the previous one who left for a better home, I guess. He was a great guy and I'm afraid too brave and must have met a stronger one. We keep a cat in the garage because we live in the middle of 5 acres and field mice are searching for a warm place these days (or any day). Hats off to you, bak, yes, there is no choice except to do what needs to be done. I do wonder about the fish net, though ; )
    • CommentAuthorcarosi*
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2012
    After 2 major electrical repairs a week apart,to our van, I researched products and went out and got 3 kinds. One was like a 6" stick with a hole up the center. These DH cut into 2-3 pieces and tied on the frame near possible access points. One was granular and in the trough below the front window he ran a bit of vaseline and stuckthe granules there. Both those were things they'd eat and die else where. Then I got a couple "bombs" Parked the van in the garage and opened windows. Set off the bombs and closed the garage for a few hours. Finally opened and let it air out, then ran fans or a while to finish clearing. No more mice.
    • CommentAuthorAnn*
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2012
    I think poison would work okay.I would be concerned about one of those critters would appear while i was driving,I'd probably wreck.
    Sprinkling bay leaves might help. They work for me. I keep them in all my cabinets, closets, etc.. A little expensive - but they don't like it and will usually go away.
    Vickie-love the use of bay leaves. Living in the South I have always used them in my pantry and had never had ants and such in my flour and grain. Never heard of them to keep mice out. I'm going to the health store and getting a bag of the freshes bay leaves I can find. At least my attic will smell nice.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJan 8th 2012
    eucalyptus works too. RVers have been using it in their RV storage areas for years. My sister bought some at Michael's and put under her sink to keep them away. Any of the strong mints oils will work.
    Thanks Charlotte. I do have a cat-but Gracie is a real prima donna. Her favorite haunt is a pillow on top of the sofa in a place of sunlight. She won't even eat my cooking.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJan 8th 2012 edited
    OMG! OMG! OMG! I opened my front door tonight, and there was a HUGE (New York City subway size) RAT in the alcove between my villa and my neighbor's! How fast can you say - SHUT THE DOOR! I will call the office tomorrow and alert them. Don't know what they'll do, but I repeat - OMG!

    This is Florida - I would have been less surprised (no less scared) if there had been an alligator out there.

    • CommentAuthornellie
    • CommentTimeJan 8th 2012
    One - just one of the things I miss about DH, he use to take care of all dead or alive bugs and mice. Now when I find one I take a deep breath and put on glove and get a big wad of paper towels and place critter in waLmart bag!
    Joan-I thought I heard someone screeching :-)
    Joan, I don't think bay leaves will handle that one!
    So sorry for the scare Joan-mice are a minace but RATS are DREADFUL!!! We live near the creeks and lots of woods so we sometimes see them .Mouse traps don't work on those need the BIG Rat traps and lots of nerve!!!!
    So sorry you have been having a tougher time with Sid.
    bak--what a great example of self-sufficiency! Admit it--didn't it feel good to be able to handle the mouse situation?

    I did something today (doesn't compare with bak's accomplishment, but it made me happy). I have been unable to get the DVD player to play subtitles--never took the time to figure it out. Today I was determined to do this and I succeeded. It's may not sound like a big deal, but it is to me, since this was the type of thing I always relied on my husband to do. It reinforced that I am capable if I set my mind to something.
    marilyn-good for you. I also find myself being forced to learn things I was to lazy to bother with before.
    MarilynMD-great now lets trade off-you work my DVD and I will catch your pests!(Anything but snakes) I can deal with mice,opposms,racoons and even a bead now and then but DO NOT LIKE snakes.
    • CommentTimeJan 9th 2012
    Oh I ever relate to learning to do new things. I had to tackle the automatic sprinkler system timer. That one for me took real courage. I
    took the little instruction book and went into the garage and was determined
    I wasn't going to come out until I had learned how to do this. Well, it I can also be a gardner as well as run my alz. clinic. My next job is learning how to hook up our Wii system so I can get movies on demand from Nexflick (sp).
    Betty-I'll trade you two mice for one snake. At least you can catch a snake and they don't chew up wires.
    Betty--you didn't mention bats. Several years ago, bats were getting into our living space (NOT the attic). I had a special company come out that deals w/wild animals, they did all kinds of things, bats still kept coming in every summer. Then, when I replaced my stove, the contractor found out that there was no baffle on the exhaust fan and that's how they were getting in. I will be happy to work your DVD player if you can guarantee me bat capture :) So far, the snakes have stayed outside.
    we have the occational bat also in the summer.They live in the attic and every now and then they creep into the house.I DO NOT LIKE THEM EITHER.But I can catch one with a pair of welders gloves and a broom and then turn it loose because they are good insect eaters. Now on the other hand the DVD won another battle last night.I told it to tape a program for me(hit all the right buttons,I thought) and as usual it just sat and looked at me as if saying you want me to do what???? Kind of like when I tell dh to do something!!
    Bluedaze-no thanks you keep your snakes!Now if you want to trade your roommate we will TALK!
    Gracie stays right here!!!
    Bluedaze I GOT THAT!! Give her some extra hugs from Aunt Betty.