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    • CommentTimeDec 10th 2011
    While Kathryn was in the hospital something happened that I have been thimnking about and I think it is something that could be helpful to all that are dealing with ALZ.

    One day while I was reading I heard Kathryn say what is this? When I looked up she was sitting there folding her IV tube whicch she had pulled out with out realizuing it. The contents would coming out the end and she was amazed by it. I called the nurse and they fixed it. Having it put back in was very tramatic for Kathryn. I have been thinking about it for days and I believe I know the answer to heelp stop this from happening next time and it is very simple.

    Kathryn is right handed so I will have them put it in her right arm. I have noticed that she almost always holds things in her right hand first and if it is put in her right arm she wwill not be able to hold it with her right hand to remove it. I don't know if it will work all the time but when it was put back in her right arm she did not remove it again.

    Just something to think about .

    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeDec 11th 2011
    Anchor 20,that makes common sense.Next time my DH is in a hospital I will tell them to uuse the right arm,he is always pulling at the IV. Thanks for the insight
    I wonder if they put the IV tube in the left hand so that they can feed themselves with the right hand--if they are able.