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    • CommentAuthorlynner
    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2011
    My dad was diagnosed with FTD, the family has noticed the changes well before he even agree'd to go see a dr. He seemed slightly depressed and would tell stories about these great convo's he would have online, without ever hitting enter he would write and a "person" would reply. He insisted that the house was bugged first thru the computers, then thru the cell phones, it got to the point where every computer was covered in duct tape and the batteries of the cell phones would come out as soon as they were carried thru the door. That went on for about two years. now in the last month he's decided this "person" he's been talking to wants him to leave his wife of 32 years, he filed divorce papers sept 30th on his youngest sons birthday, calling the monday following he asked the person to tear them up which they did. everything seemed half way normal, then the conversations on the computer started again, it all started over, on october 28th he refiled the divorce papers and moved out of the house. He relocated 2 hours north in a semi populated area, his behavior has changed, he calls his soon to be ex wife and yells at her while she is at work, has drained her bank account on several occasions, refuses to pick up the phone, and when talking on facebook he only uses single letters instead of words. To this day this man claims to be a christian, then he turns around and tells his youngest daughter how horrible she is, and has called her every name in the book, same to his youngest son, its like he forgot he is the adult not the 16 year old who is mad at the world. I moved out of state for personal reason, and now that im settled in i am having a hard time dealing with the phone calls from the siblings who are crying because his latest email rants. My dad was physically and sexually abusive to myself and my older sister, yesterday he made a pass at his oldest son's wife and his middle daughter, saying he's only human and he needs to get laid, he offered money or whatever else they wanted in exchange. The apartment complex he moved into was my last place of residence in that state, i'm aware of the dozen or so special needs males and females who live there, i'm concerned that might take a pass at one of the females, or anybody else in the complex. He's also claiming now that the Doctor who diagnosed him was in cahoots with the "person" he was talking to online, he's always been a look over his shoulder type of guy... Is there something i can do? If he's not willing to admit something is wrong, is there anything i can do? is there any suggestions people can make to help me in the right direction? i would hate for my dad to do something that would hurt another person beyond the ones he has already scarred for life. thanks
    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2011
    Call the Department of Social Services in the county where he lives and tell them everything you have told us. Years ago, people who reported abuse usually weren't believed, but it is better now. Not perfect, you may not get a good response, but the lesson of Penn State is that our moral responsibility is to go to the authorities (I suggest DSS rather than the police because it isn't clear a crime has been committed yet).
    • CommentAuthorlynner
    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2011
    thank you for your input, i'll make some phone calls monday and see what options i have there.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2011

    Also call the Department of the Elderly and Google Frontal Lobe Dementia - there is tons of information on FTD. You may also suggest to the wife who is taking all of this abuse to come here for support. We have many members whose spouses have FTD.

    Good luck.

    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2011

    I'm so sorry to hear this. My husband has FTD. The behaviors can be very difficult to handle, especially in the early stages.

    Check out the following websites: