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    • CommentAuthorLori,RN
    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2011
    We were planning to have breakfast this moring with son & dil, but no specific time. My son just said to call when we were on our way. My husband still does his own grooming and dressing but needs to be reminded of glasses, meds, coat, etc. He doesn't like to be reminded and is getting slower all the time and forgets what he needs to do next. Finally!!!--we got ready and in the car, called son, about ready to get on freeway and DH says, "I forgot my teeth". I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I think we might need a check list when we leave the house.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2011
    LOL - Did you go back and get them?
    We had dinner cousin invited us over as he and his wife, his wife' sister and husband and my cousin's wife are going on a trip with my cousin's mother in law over Thanksgiving so they had a mimi dinner 9 with all the trimmings so it really wasn't minor) and for the past 4 days I have had to repeat over and over the answer to his questions about this evening out. Finally today I hung posters all over the place about it..along with the stickies to tell him not to turn certain switches off and to leave the coffee pot on as it will turn off automatically....and then tonight he locked the bedroom door AFTER HE LEFT IT. So I had to hunt up the odd little key to get it open. Yep there are a lot more " one more things" to come.
    ..Or two or three or more things to do! Yesterday was not the best day for me. I usually handle things pretty well,however...Although we have never had mice, everyone in our neighborhood does, and I keep sticky traps out. Hadn't checked them in awhile until yesterday morning. Sure enough - mice! behind refrigerator and stove. Got my handy grab-all thingy and got the one out from the refrigerator. Had to pull the stove out to the get to that one. DH wanted to help - but he would pull and push the stove in the right direction, so it caught the flooring and tore it and then I couldn't get the stove back in place. Pulled, tugged, finally got it out enough to fix the floor and eventually got the stove back. Mopped the kitchen floor. Later, I was about to fix dinner; opened the corner cabinet with lazy susan and saw flour and stuff all over everything! Evidently the mice had been in there! What a mess. Closed the door and fixed dinner, ate, and started to remove everything. DH again wanted to help - like he can get on his hand/knees, shine flashlight into the dark cabinet and see what's what! Anyway, I told him to hold the garbage can close to me so I could throw stuff away easily. He did do that.Got it all cleaned up, put new traps out, Re-mopped the floor. He went up to go to bed. When I went up about an hour later, he came out of the bathroom and said he was constipated! Like I really needed that then! LOL After I got him settled, went back down stairs, poured a glass of wine, relaxed, took a shower and slept like a baby. Didn't hear DH when he got up to go to the bathroom, but I surmise everything was okay.

    Checked the traps early this morning. One was caught in the trap in the corner cabinet! But it was lodged at the very back of the cabinet and my grabber would not open enough to grab it. After working at it for about 1-1/2 hours - I finally got that baby out! Then had to vacuum again. Took coffee up to DH and he asked what I had been doing! Told him and reminded him of the mice yesterday - he said "WHAT MICE"!!! You just gotta love 'em.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeNov 20th 2011
    vickie vickie, i can handle anything poop related but you put rodents 'indoors' in the mix and i am soooo done! i admire your spunk ! yipes. definately something i would not do !
    • CommentAuthorHanging On
    • CommentTimeNov 20th 2011
    Well, so, here's my rat story. This happened recently. I went outside in the yard. My 4 dogs were out there. I saw them nosing around a tree. When I went over there, a BIG rat, with a tail 10 feet long (I swear), jumped straight up in the air, and landed back behind most of the dogs. I looked over, and saw Andy, my Border Collie mix, head for it. I yelled "NO!!!", trying to save the rat's life. Andy continued on, grabbed the rat, and shook it. That was the end of the rat. The dogs lost interest. I went inside and told dh, and like any dementia person, he said, okay, and appeared disinterested. So I went outside, took the rake and moved the rat onto the shove, went inside, and shoved the shovel at him and said, "See?!" I thought that would perhaps get a more interested response from him. Nope. Another "Oh, okay." So, I took the poor little rat outside and placed him carefully under a tree in the front so he could be in a peaceful place.
    Hanging On
    Lori - your story of the forgotten teeth surely gave me a chuckle that I needed. Something similar with us. DH wears hearing aids - occasionally - tries to remember to wear to church. As we were on our way to church I asked about his hearing aids and he replied he had them in but the batteries were dead in both! The result is the same as ear plugs -- He has plenty of batteries and I just hadn't reminded him to check to see if he needed fresh ones. Oh well, I'll learn as time goes on I guess.
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeNov 21st 2011
    you sure, Hanging On that it wasn't a possum? And Divvi, would you be upset if Squirrely gets in?
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeNov 21st 2011
    YES!!! i am still jittery they look like rodents in the face as cute and smart as they are.. grin
    but they get within inches of my face BEHIND the glass door and it gives me the heebyjeebies!!! egads. i do like to feed them pb and jelly sammiches though. :)
    and yes i amVERY careful not to let them that close when door is cracked! spit that never happens!
    • CommentAuthorHanging On
    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2011
    Briegull*, no it wasn't a possum. I think actually it was a young rat. It looked young. Whatever that looks like. I felt so sorry for it. The dogs were just being dogs, but still.

    Hanging On
    Hanging On-you are a good person. Like you-when critters find their way into my house I try to get them safely outdoors again. Unfortunately Gracie-being the mighty huntress that she is-too often deposits body parts on my bed. It is disconserting to find lizard and tail in two different places and both parts still moving.
    I guess it is time to tell my critter story too.

    A couple of days ago, I went for a massage and DH waits in the car while I am in there. As it is warm here he just sits there with the windows down.

    As I was getting out the drivers door, I noticed out of the side of my eye a movement behind his seat, and then it was gone. I thought, oh there is a mouse in the car!

    So as I walked over to that side to open the door, the BIGGEST CANE SPIDER I HAVE EVER SEEN RAN UNDER THE SEAT!!! (Cane spiders are harmless, however they look like a close cousin to a tarantula.) I am not creeped out easily but the thought of this guy jumping on me was horrible.

    No amount of searching found him. Later, I tore the car apart and vacumned and he seemed to be gone.

    Just one more thing to do!
    For Coco
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2011
    YIKES! Coco, I know you said they are harmless, but they are UGLY!
    • CommentAuthorHanging On
    • CommentTimeNov 23rd 2011
    Thanks, Bluedaze+. What a nice compliment. I'm like you, I put the critters outside, with a comment of "This is your lucky day!" I really dislike killing things.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

    Hanging On