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    My DH has started talking in his sleep. He is usually whispering and sometimes laughs after he has said something. I can't understand anything he says. Is this another part of AD? He's in stage 6a
    • CommentTimeNov 17th 2011
    Acting out dreams, including yelling and hitting your bed partner, is call REM sleep behavior disorder and is very comment in Lewy Body Dementia. And one study that did autopsies of people with different kinds of dementia found that the largest group had both Alzheimer and Lewy Body Dementia characteristic damage to the brain. LBD tends to cause more stiffness and slowness and more hallucinations early in the disease than Alzheimers.

    If it gets worse, the standard treatment for REM sleep behavior disorder is Clonazepam and Melatonin. Or separate bedrooms.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeNov 17th 2011 edited
    dazed my DH has been having private parties and conversations for years. :) i dont mind it seems to bring him pleasure although it freaked me out the first times. mine even reaches out to touch and waves sometimes while asleep... but yes like pam says it can be more signs of LBD symptoms when they hallucinate. i have had no problems with allowing him his visions.. at long as they are Happy!@
    But he was asleep and apparently dreaming. Would that be considered hallucinating?
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeNov 17th 2011
    acting out dreams is also another symtom of LBDtype too - if it concerns you tell his dr, there are meds out there to control the hallucinations.
    Two Neuro's originally thought my dh had LBD - but discounted that because he wasn't having hallucinations, so evidentally hallucinations is a clear indicator of LBD.
    • CommentAuthormary22033
    • CommentTimeNov 18th 2011
    Dazed - I bought a similar thread from a year ago, to the top for you...
    Thank you so much, mary22033. I've just read the whole thread and it eased my mind a little.