I did not put "off topic" in the discussion title, because even though this subject doesn't pertain to AD, I think the end result was because of my experience with AD.
The news is that because I was persistant, took matters into my own hands, made all the phone calls myself when the therapy company couldn't get their act together - The insurance company OVERTURNED THEIR DENIAL!!!! They are re-instating therapy for my shoulder! How bout that?
Would I have been as forthright, aggressive in advocating for myself, and a persistant pain in the a... if I had not been forced into the role of advocate for my AD husband? I don't think I would have. AD has taught me many lessons I would have preferred to learn another way, but taught me it did.
It has made me sad, heartbroken, stressed, and angry. Conversely, it has made me strong, resilient, and self reliant. I still would prefer to have a partner with whom to share my triumphs, tragedies, and trials, but I don't, so I have to rely on myself.
This morning, when I got the letter from the insurance company, I ran into the house, telling Sid - "Isn't it great? The insurance company overturned their denial." Of course, he had to think about what I even meant. When I explained that it meant I could have therapy again, he said, "Haven't you been getting therapy?" :(
Oh Joan, good for you! You go girl! Our first instinct when we get good news is to rush & tell our husbands. I still have to catch myself before I blurt out things that I will just spend too much time trying to explain. I’m glad we are here for each other to share our good news. Thanks Joan!
Good for you, Joan. I, too, have had to be persistent with doctors, banks, insurance companies - you name it! I'm sure we've all been there. Just one more thing we have to do.
If there is anything we've learned since this disease happened to us, it's learning how to do things for ourselves. It gets so lonely because you don't have that one person who loves you to share with, but doesn't it make you feel good when you accomplish something you did all by yourself, when you're your own advocate? I was never one to fight, my husband did that for me. Now I fight for him and I fight for me, and fortunately for the both of us, it works more often than not. Congratulations, Joan! Those little victories become stupendous ones for us, don't they?
Yessirreee! I spoke to the insurance company this morning. 15 more visits between December 1 and January 14th. My shoulder should be good as new after that, because I was right on the edge of starting strengthening and external rotation when they cut me off. I return from Chicago on November 28th - my shoulder joint should be frozen solid from the cold weather I am not used to, so it will be great to go right into therapy.
I too have become more authoritative. Since getting bullied and bilked in Needles last year over the RV tires, I won't take. I will walk away before I will let someone bully me again - or hope so. I always want the exact price which can make some people angry. I don't like being this way - I would much rather have hb do it since man to man seems to work out better than man to woman negotiations.