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    ....I've been reading the posts about poop, thinking my time for this may be coming soon. Well, it happened sooner than I
    expected, and worse than I expected. So naturally I have to tell you all about it, and just possibly some of you can avoid it.
    ....Since my DW never flushes the toilet, I'm aware of how often she does number2 (I prefer to call it number2), which is usually
    every 2nd day, sometimes, every 3rd day....The longer between, the more there is. We've had a few accidents with this but nothing
    really bad. I had the depends ready but had never used them.
    ....Well, today was the 3rd day and I was expecting it. When we went to bed last nite the depends idea crossed my mind but since
    she had never messed up the bed and if she starts to get out of the bed, I always wake up and guide her to the bathroom and help
    her to the toilet... This morning, I got up and went to the bathroom and when I went back to the bedroom, she was not there.
    ....I knew immediatly that I had made a big mistake. I went into the hallway and there it was....A trail of number2 all the way
    down the hallway into the family room, and footprints thru the family room into the kitchen....Puddles of number1 thru the kitchen
    into the service porch where she was standing in a puddle and looking very pitiful and confused. I felt so sorry for her and turned
    my attention to comforting her. Her legs and feet were a mess. (I should say that we were both nude cause that's the way we always
    slept) I got her into a nearby bathroom and cleaned her up the best I could, then tried to get her to sit down somewhere out of
    the way so I could clean up the mess on the floor. This was difficult. She acted ltke she wanted to help me.
    ....after scraping up the number2 form the berber carpet and scrubing the spots with hot soapy water and laying down newspaper on
    the lineolium to soak up the number1, I was quite proud of myself. In one hour and fourtyfive minitues everything was back to
    normal, but a big suprise was yet to come.
    ....I sat down with my dear for a little rest, then proceeded to prepare breakfast. When I opened the refrigerator I was shocked
    to see a huge glob of number2 in the bowl of sliced peaches.....What can I say ?....I think she was just trying to help clean up
    the mess while I was busy and not paying attention to her.
    ....I have to blame myself for this whole episode. I've learned so much from this site, but I can still make big mistakes...
    To look at the good side of something like this, I will probably not let it happen again, and if it does, I will be able to deal
    with it better. Maaybe an hourand thirty minutes ??
    • CommentAuthorcarosi*
    • CommentTimeOct 23rd 2011
    George, you handled it beautifully. And you write about it great too. Every once in a while we all make mistakes. How we deal is what matters most. She's lucky to have you.
      CommentAuthorBama* 2/12
    • CommentTimeOct 23rd 2011
    I'm sorry George, but you just gave me my laugh for the day. I know my day is coming and it wont be funny to me when it happens. You did handle it good.
    Oh did well to handle that so beautifully...what a story..I will remember this and if, should I say when this happens here, I'll laugh and think of you, and hope I'll be able to handle it as beautifully as you did
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeOct 23rd 2011
    Well, I'm coming to the conclusion that "poop" is just another inevitable nasty (smelly, too) by product of this ugly disease. I have to confess that it still is very upsetting to me when this happens to my dh. It's always out in public somewhere and he's tall and gets it all down his legs and his shirt and socks - it's a very big mess. He tries to clean himself but does a miserably bad job. I just hate to have to clean him up like he's an infant, it breaks my heart to see my big fella so debilitated.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 24th 2011
    oh my. george you really got a good iniciation into this sad part. it may be time to rectify the sleeping in the nude on her part the more clothes and padding the more it absorbs and off the floors and carpets even if she walks around. the plastic pants called sanipants can be found in medical supply or online. they help contain everything inside and it doesnt come out of the legs like with depends alone. at this point in the storyline we have to find helpful products that make our cleanups easier. at least like this you can lead her into a shower stall and strip her and use a shower hose to cleanup so much easier. if you dont have one a shower chair will help alot to allow her to sit while you clean her up. once the bm's/mess starts it usually means they cant find their way to the bathroom alone nor do they remember to use it by themselves. on the sober side, many of us found we have to lock our spouses inside the bedroom to avoid them roaming by themselves. it also allows a sense of peace knowing they may get up but not out into the house alone. even as my DH rattled the door knobs to try to break out :) at wee hrs of the morning i was able to listen knowing he couldnt get out into mischeif. and believe me if you have read the incontinence thread your story is right along with many of my own. its probaby a good time to make some immediate changes so you can get a grip on how to best avoid the next mess in the future. you seem to be able to handle this part with extreme finese and its admirable. not fun but doable has always been my motto.
    Ok George .....I was reading/following your story, I was feeling empathy and compassion I was following you until you open the fridge, George, I lost my drink all over my keyboard. Laughter is the only way to survive a poop attack. Let's all be honest ............smell is the enemy. I telling you vanilla scented facemasks is what saves me :)
    Good story. Terrible story. Terribly good story.
    • CommentTimeOct 24th 2011
    George, how amazingly you handled your first incident!!
    George, I have been having a horrible time lately with my dh and this disease but after reading your story,,,,, and laughing,,,,,,,I realized I have not had nearly as bad a time as you are having. I hope you understand the laughing..... You have a great way of telling a horrible story. You handled this a lot better than I am sure I will when our time happens. I know it is not far away, so please keep writing and sharing your experiences so others, like me can learn from them. Sending prayers and huge hugs your way..... Hope tonight is a better one for ya........
    George...that was indeed quite a story! A sad but true picture of things to come for me as well. I was so proud of your cleaning handled it so well. But you must forgive me too, as I gasped, then laughed at the "poop in the peaches"! If we don't laugh, we will surely fill our days with crying...
    needed to add my poop story. I have been cleaning out the shower each time DH showers. I was thinking he was just not cleaning himself well when on the commode. Wrong, I walked in and he is pooping in the shower. Then he is asking himself what is that. Just what I needed right now. His mom picked him up for awhile today. She came in and I was putting his jacket on him. She said he could do that just fine by himself at her house. I go to pick him up at her house and he is putting his jacket on upside down. Well, I guess he does not put his jacket on by himself at your house!!! This is the woman who had given me a hard time from the start of DH's diagnosis. I am not ready for the poop. I am tired. Our girls and their husbands come in Sunday. I am excited, and also having anxiety over the youngest daughters visit. She has an eating disorder. I am going to have a glass of wine and then sit on the sofa. Just venting.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeDec 19th 2014
    jackie, You have so much on your mind and now to have to deal with this poop issue. I am so sorry. But also glad that your girls and their husbands will be arriving. I hope they'll be able to manage your husband for a while so you can get a rest.
    I hope Divvi will be able to get back with us soon. We really need her on this thread. George, I read your poop story way back when you first wrote it. I remember thinking that would be my "line in the sand" and I wasn't going to do that. Well, it's here and I'm doing it so my line in the sand has been moved a little further out.
    • CommentAuthorIsa
    • CommentTimeDec 20th 2014
    Oh yes. The original poop story here is great. DH fully incontinent for over a year. Just recently, he has started to make a humorous reaction to his own smell when getting a diaper change. He is non-verbal but opens eyes wide and gets a disgusted look on his face and manages to makes some "eww", "Uhhgg" type noises about the odor. It actually makes me laugh! Like JackieM, I have three grown children coming for Christmas. There is no real disguising the odor. It is not exactly a crisp holiday smell! I like the option of sitting on the sofa and having a glass of wine! I am also inttrigued by the above referenced "vanilla scented facemask". Might try making some of those! Well, I think it is time to visit the Christmas Lodge. That will be a welcome relief. See all of you poop warriors over there.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeDec 22nd 2014
    Hey i am checking in:) i can never read and not respond to this thread. I hope all of those lines in the sand get to be moved back some. Dazed i know we will be talking againlater friend. We can do it if we must- yes disgusting but remember our loved ones are not trying to cause us harm or offend us - I know personally how difficult it can be but with a bit of humor everything moves smoother.