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  1. ..... Search 'bidet'
    ,,,,This site offers a lot of information about an eazy to install toilet seat bidet. The consumer
    comments seem to be quite favorable. I'm wondering if anyone here has had any experience using
    somthing like this for their loved one? At $48.98 ....Seems like it would make hygiene problems a
    lot easier.
    • CommentTimeOct 13th 2011
    I took a more expensive approach and bought a Toto Washlet: It requires an electrical outlet near the toilet; the plumbing is a cinch because it just fits into the toilet line. My husband has Lewy Body Dementia and one of his Parkinson's symptoms is alternating diarrhea and constipation. He was very dubious of the idea (and it was a lot of money for something he was convinced he didn't want), but once he tried it he loved it. It makes a big difference to his still being able to manage without help in the bathroom.
    • CommentAuthorphil4:13*
    • CommentTimeOct 14th 2011
    Looks like a great idea but I doubt that my DH would be happy having cold water sprayed on his butt. He is ultra sensitive to everything and I'd hate to spend the money for something he'd refuse to use. Anyone else have that problem?
    Phil4:13, I don't like the idea of the cold water either. I know I wouldn't like it!
    Pam...HOW close does the outlet have to be to the toilet? This is, I presume, because you're running a cord from the actual seat to the outlet?
    Didn't find out how close the outlet has to be. Picture shows it right down beside the water cut-off valve. I didn't read all the installation instructions., but not a do-it-yourselfer. When I got to the precautions, I quit. LOL Can't lean back against the seat (?); don't get urine on the wand - don't really understand that. Otherwise, for someone who is healthy, it looks terrific!
    Yes, if there are precautions about not using it wrong, it's not for us. It would only be useful in our case if I could have him sit while I push the buttons to squirt him off. But if it doesn't take leaning back or whatnot it might be too fragile.
    The water in the Toto washlet is adjustable from cool to warm to very warm. It is kept in the toilet ring reservoir and always comfortable. I have one and cannot imagine not,... from the days when my DH benefitted from it, and for important feminine hygiene for me. It is a very good appliance and are in more and more upscale hotels in the USA, Europe and the Far East. I installed mine the second time.. It's not difficult if you are the least bit handy with a wrench. Buy the one with the control box that fits on the WALL not beside the toilet seat itself.

    You can read all about it on their website, look for Toto Washlet, Jasmine model.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeOct 14th 2011
    If you don't like water splashing on your unmentionables don't go to France. Or bring your own toilet paper.

    I doubt AD patients would be receptive to this. It's hard enough to get her to sit on the lou sometimes let alone hover over a bidet.
    • CommentAuthorLizbeth
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2015
    I don't share often but had to share this.
    I decided to buy an attachable bidet for the toilet and installed on Sunday. I had my DH use it twice and thought so far so good.
    Well tonight, I was caught up in reading an article about a new AD drug when my daughter interrupted me and said "I have heard the water running 5 times now maybe you should check it out". I went into the bathroom and discovered DH had decided to use the bidet on his own. However, he did not know how to turn it off and was flooding the bathroom. Needless to say, not only did his bottom get very clean but the bathroom walls and floor did as well!

    I am not giving up though, I told him he could only use it if I was helping him. At least he likes it. Cleaning up water is a lot easier than cleaning up poop.
    My sister has one that she purchased from Dr. Mercola's site to use for her husband. She thinks it's great. When she moved into an apartment, she had one installed there. Her son installed it for her--no plumber needed.
    • CommentAuthorLizbeth
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2015
    Since I last posted, my DH flooded the bathroom & master bedroom carpet with the bidet. DH has been going downhill very much in the last couple months. My daughter was watching him and she went outside for an hour or so. When she came back, he had turned the bidet on but could not figure out how to turn it off. Luckily we were able to remediate the damage quickly, so it is not too extensive but it was a lot of work. The bidet controls are now duct taped. We now realize DH has to be watched every minute. We had to hide all the scissors because he cut the phone line and last week cut the line to his electric blanket. Luckily the electric blanket was not plugged in. I must say Dh is exhausting me. He is 61 and in good physical health except for the AD, so it is hard to keep up with his "mischief" sometimes.

    I think the bidet is a good idea still but take precautions so your AD spouse cannot turn on at will.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2015
    Hang in there Lizbeth. My own experience with my wife was also exhausting. I wish you well and I agree with your earlier comment for me almost anything was better than cleaning up her poop. Those memories don't remain much thank goodness.