At times my DW will refuse to take her pills. Is it OK to grind them up and put them in her food? Right now I'm talking about FIBERCON (an over the counter stool softner),but what about something like SEROQUEL? I can grind them into a powder and mix it into her cottage cheese salad. I would like to experiment with seroquel in tiny amounts. 12mg makes her very sleepy.
George--you need to ask a pharmacist. There are some pills that cannot be crushed; I think Seroquel may be ok, but best to check w/a professional. No experience with Fibercon.
george i dissolve all my DH pills in applesauce. that includes the stool softener senokot s, his blood pressure, and prilosec. some like marilyn says arent supposed to be broken up like the alzheimer meds so ask the pharmacist! the applesause has enough acidity to dissolve without doing much to them. once they are soft you can add to anything or give directly from the spoon. ADD A packet of sugar to the applesauce if the pills taste bitter. or honey!
I was advised to grind up the seroquel by my physician. We just started on this last week and were given a popout package where the pills are already split in half in individual bubble packaging. I use a clean knife on a clean surface I can sweep off (no ridges where the powder gets stuck in) and find it easy with two or three slow crunches with the flat side (use a dinner knife not a sharp knife), I have the pill down to a powder.
Cottage cheese salad will work. Yogurt or other completely smooth or bland mixtures may be more noticeable. I sprinkle it on her toast before I put the peanut butter and jam on in the morning and on the dessert before I put on the ice cream. I freeze things like banana loafs and slice a piece off and put some icecream on top with the seroquel powder (including the pill coating) in between.
Some powder will remain on your hands so you may want to wash them. I licked the traces once and found it has a noticeable taste even at that minute concentration and it did affect my taste buds momentarily - so I stay away from anything too bland to hide it's taste and texture better.
You shouldn't crush anything that is time release. I would question crushing prilosec or anything capsule form. But the best thing to do is talk to your pharmacist.
At Wal-Mart they hvae pill crushers. They look like little jars (plastic). You can put all the pills that need to be crushed in at one time, then turn the lid around a few times...all are crushed and be added to food. There is also a very inexpensive pill cutter as well. The crusher works about like a pepper mill.
I crush my wife's pills (metformin, Hyzaar, and glyburide) and mix them in apple sauce. She also takes omeprazole (prilosec), which is a capsule. I just open the capsule and spill the small beads onto the applesauce. Time release medicines cannot by crushed. For these you can ask the doctor to substitute meds that are not time release. Your pharmacist can advise on which ones can be crushed.