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    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2013
    Oh dear Coco, so much to deal with in such a short time! Hang on tightly to the rope, we'll help pull you through this latest crisis.

    It always seems for us that we can never get our feet back on the ground and there's another crisis we have to deal with. We barely get our heads above water and then SLAM, we go under again.

    I will keep you, Dado and your mother in my prayers and hope she recovers well and that the transition to the VA goes on time without a problem. BIG ((((HUGS))))
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2013
    Prayers for comfort and peace Coco during all this stressful time. I am sorry - when it rains it pours seems to be happening to you now.

    and you do have every right to cry, yell, crumble in a pile on the beach or whatever you want to do to release the pressure.
    Oh, Coco, my heart hurts for you. I've been there with my best friend dying, my son undergoing pancreas/kidney transplants, my mother died and then within 2 months, my son was murdered. It seems to just heap up on us. But....I did get through the toughest times of my life - so far. Another will be when I have to place DH - soon.

    You are strong, you will survive this - pain and all. Praying for strength and comfort and peace for you all. ((((((((HUGS))))))) - Grab the rope!
    Coco, so sorry to hear about your Mom=I hope she is doing better. Hoping things go smoothly with moving Dada too.
    You know I have decided LIFE JUST SUCKS!!! Seems we no more than get out of one heartache and go into another!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please know you are in my prayers.
    Love to you all!!
    So sorry, Coco, that so many awful things are happening to you. No matter how strong we are, this disease can take us down. We're here for you. {{{Hugs}}}
    You see, you are like my only true confidants. There is just no one that gets it. I remember when I first joined this site, I was so upset by the non support and platitudes from people. Well, those people never changed, still comparing our challenges to "well some people have is so much worse," or "at least you have two legs"

    Sometimes, though not really, I wish their mate would get dementia, lose their favorite sister, their Dad, and be scared that their most perfect Mom was ill, and then we will see .

    Vickie I knew you had some horrible things happen in your past, I did not realize the scope. And to think what a calm woman of grace you have been . I do see lately that you are really going through another hard time.

    I miss being so spontaneous about life, not in the way of doing things, but just feeling hopeful and excited about just anything. I AM grateful, I KNOW I will grow and survive, but I wish I could get back that happier feeling. Maybe some day.

    Dear friends there are good things too, you know we got the VA Agent Orange settlement and I will be logging on to my bank account as soon as the calendar says Nov. 1st, to see if it is really true.

    Thank for letting me cry. I miss my guy so.
    Oh Coco.
    It is so very hard to go through such heartbreak and not have our spouse t be there for us. My heart goes out to you .

    I hope you Mom recovers soon. Can't imagine the anxiety you are feeling over Dado's placement.

    You have every reason to curl up in the corner of your couch. That's what I do when I am overwhelmed.

    Then, I hope you regain your strength . Sending you understanding. Wishing you peace.
    • CommentAuthorBama*2/12
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2013
    Coco, sending hugs and prayers your way.
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2013
    Dear Coco, my heart goes out to you - so much to deal with in such a short space of time!
    I hope your Mom gets better soon, and that Dado's transition to his new home goes smoothly, and that you get a chance to catch your breath!

    Hugs to you.
    • CommentAuthorring
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2013
    Coco, your post and yours too Vickie just unleashed a torrent of tears. I have been overwhelmingly sad the last few day. Just soo much sadness everywhere it seems.

    I can't seem to come up with any words. Just sending hugs and prayers to both of you and all of us.
    I am praying for all of you, I don't have it bad right now, but I do feel your pain and sadness. An old saying, it's the darkest before the dawn. Hopefully you will see the dawn of a happier day in the morning.
    • CommentTimeOct 29th 2013
    Coco, so sorry that your mom is not well and praying you both and for Dado.
    Vickie, and for you both, too.
    I wish I had words to help, but I don't, so I send everyone on this site my love and best wishes and prayers.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 29th 2013
    coco, so sorry to hear of your moms illness. hoping her recovery comes quickly. and that your dado can adjust well.
    they say bad things come in 3's.. sigh, well sometimes its very true. then maybe we can survive and get a small reprieve between our battles.

    Vickie, you are indeed little in statute but huge in will and strength. you have dealt with more than most here with grace and much bravery.
    hugs to you too friend. ((((Vickie)))
    • CommentAuthorJudy
    • CommentTimeOct 29th 2013
    That ROPE is incredibly strong, Friends. With the strength of every hand here. I'm so thankful that there is a place where we, who KNOW, understand that platitudes don't help that much. I think people mean well they just don't understand.. it doesn't help to be told 'he's in a better place'. Yes, my head knows thats true? My head knows he wouldn't have wanted to live 'like that'? My head knows..BUT the hands holding on to this rope KNOW the heart of the matter and whatever the fabric of it, quilted, painted, fancy knotted, or shipsized, You keep it strong and knotted. So far, there still seems to be plenty of room along its length.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2013
    Coco - I hope your mom has someone trusted that can go with her to all doctor visits. After my sister had her stroke, even though she had no paralysis she did have short term memory loss. She could not remember anything the doctors said to her in the hospital after her stroke, nor what the neurosurgeon said to her at the appointment before surgery. After the surgery, again I was her memory cause she did not remember.
    Yes Charlotte thank God there is my youngest sister with Mom. Mom was just released today, after a week in the hospital. They found she had many mini strokes and are considering surgery to a blocked artery in her neck. Mom is ok now, except like you say, she has short term memory loss. I noticed it when I was up there last month for Dad's funeral.The surgery is high risk and oh God I hope she is going to make it.

    Looks like Dado will be coming home Friday morning, due to lagging at the Veterans home. OMG I am trying not to panic. He cannot walk and I cannot get him up in to his wheelchair. I think for the duration he is home, he will have to be confined to the bed for everything, eating, going to the bathroom, and I will have to clean and sponge bathe him. After a few anxiety attacks I came to the conclusion that I can hopefully call a neighbor to come once a day to help me get him in the tub.

    It is almost too much, but, I can only hang on. The big girl panties are torn and shredded and almost falling off.
    • CommentAuthorcassie*
    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2013
    Oh Coco, I will send you a pair of my bloomers, it is no wonder that yours have disintegrated!
    Don't worry about bathing Dado in the tub, for a few days surely it would be ok just to do bed baths.
    (buy lots of baby wipes as well). It will be ok so don't worry any more, your love for him will see you through.
    And sending you good wishes for your Mother.
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeOct 31st 2013
    Coco, I know it has been said many times before, but hang in there. I know you will dig deep, one more time, to find the inner strength to meet this challenge.
    I hope that the delay in getting Dado into the Veteran's home is not too long, for your sake. But while he is at home, I know you will make the most of your time together, letting Dado know how much you love him, every chance you get!
    Hugs to you
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJul 19th 2014
    heres the rope to hold onto we started some time ago. its helped many along the way.
    Hi divvi, I remember holding on to that rope many times during the bad years.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2015
    Mim sounds like so many of us who have teetered on the edge at times. Heres the trusty rope that never fails to help pull us back from the dark abyss. It does a soul good to let out a few rants now and then. Kinda like chicken soup for the soul and when we feel down. Divvi
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeFeb 20th 2015
    ttt for Ragsgolf
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeApr 22nd 2015
    ttt for Orchid
    • CommentAuthorOrchid
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2015
    Thank you so much, Wolf, for throwing me the rope. It means so much to me to not be all alone in this crazy dementia world.