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    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2011
    Dh and I went to interview a new doc today. Several women in my AD support group take their husbands to her and they raved about her, so, off we went to check her out. YES! She and dh really hit it off. This gal spent 10 years caregiving to her father with AD so she totally gets the whole thing. She talked mostly to dh and they laughed and joked and she told him what was what and he listened and I couldn't be more pleased. I praise the Lord for this connection and the connection with the housekeeper/caregiver I hired several weeks ago. Both of these women seem to fit in just right with dh and that only means good things for both of us.

    New doc wrote him a rx for Lorazepam. I don't know much about this drug, but I suspect that many of you can enlighten me and I would be most grateful if you do.

    Dh just waltzed out the garage side door into the night without telling me, as is his habit. His new doctor did admonish him not to do this, but, off he went again, as usual. I know that someday he will do this and not return in 15 minutes as he usually does. Until then, I just hold my breath. I cannot keep him in chains and he doesn't understand how serious his condition is.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2011
    Lorazepam is used to relieve anxiety. Lorazepam is in a class of medications called benzodiazepines. It works by slowing activity in the brain to allow for relaxation.

    Lorazepam is also used to treat irritable bowel syndrome, epilepsy, insomnia, and nausea and vomiting from cancer treatment and to control agitation caused by alcohol withdrawal.

    just google it and you will find all the info you want.
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2011
    I did google it, but my brain is so fried right now from all that is going on that I just don't absorb all the medical details of these drugs - I just want to know if others have had problems with them or not. Thank you for your description above, I really appreciate it.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2011 edited
    lorazepam is the generic name for Ativan. ativan has been used by many of us to control severe anxiety disorder. i used it mainly if DH was in ER or hospital to keep him calm and not pulling out tubes. it made him drowsy and with a smile on his face the whole time.:) you can bet i got a rx from the ER drs and have it on hand ever since. even hospice gives you some when you sign up in their drug pack. its a powerful med and a tiny pill that can do so much to alter a person. it may be a good thing to give to your DH late pm to help keep him in bed. do a search for ativan here and you may see topics.some folks are more sensitive to it more than others
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2011
    Thank you, divvi, I was just wondering when dh should be given this drug. He's on 40mg of Celexa/day and that seems to keep him mostly good natured. The gray weather has us both a bit more on edge than the sunny weather.

    I see him declining more rapidly all of the sudden with memory issues, but he, in general, is not more aggressive. He does want to go wandering a bit after dinner, but that's not a new thing. Guess I'll just order this rx and keep it on hand for when he does get out of hand.
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2011

    My husband's geriatric psychiatrist offered that drug to us. He is not aggressive right now, but she said she wanted me to know it was available if I needed it. She also said it is also good if your loved one needs to have a medical test where they need to be calm.
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2011
    Thanks for the tip, Deb.
    mothert, I ordered the motion sensor that someone here recommended and it works great. Our basement door, back door and sunroom door are all in the same area. I place the monitor in that area and the pager can be placed on the nightstand or has a clip so you can wear it. I was worried that DH might get up during the night, go outside and get lost. He has never wandered....yet, but realizing that it could happen, I sleep a lot better knowing this would wake me up (it's loud enough to wake me up) if he goes toward the door.
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2011
    Hmmm - thanks, Dazed, for reminding me about that sensor, I had forgotten about it. For the most part, the alarm on all of our doors will wake me. But, if I happen to be in a very deep sleep that almost never happens, but could, the sensor would be better. Would you mind giving me the details about this sensor again? Thank you.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 9th 2011
    just saw on tv that Garmin has a new gps personal tracking device for about 170dol that can be attached to a belt loop or person. can track on cell phone or computer.
    mothert, the motion sensor is called Smart Caregiver One-On-One Wander Alarm Motion Sensor. The company is Vitality Medical. Cost is $42.95. It is working great for us.
    divvi, the Garmin tracking device sounds great also, especially if they're outside a lot without someone around.