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    • CommentAuthorphil4:13*
    • CommentTimeSep 22nd 2011
    Has anyone had problems with their spouse trying to open car door while you are driving? DH who has always loved to ride in the car has now gotten very antsy in the car and pulls at his seat belt and grabs the handle to open the door. It's not like he wants to get out, he is just not knowing what he should do. Have any of you solved this problem short of not leaving the house?
    • CommentAuthorWeejun*
    • CommentTimeSep 22nd 2011
    Does your car have the childproof lock button? On my car it is by the driver's window buttons and allows me to prevent the other doors from being unlocked.
    I have threaten to put my dh in the backseat where the doors have child safety locks. So far it is only a threat because he did open the door once and scared me. I wonder if those could be installed on the front door too.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeSep 22nd 2011
    Many in my support group have gone through this. They did put their spouses in the back seat with child proof locks. If that worked, everything was fine. If they were still agitated, my friends took someone along to keep their spouse in line. Eventually, they stopped taking them in the car.

    We have had to put Gord in the back seat when we go with anybody. He will try to open the doors when he is agitated and the child locks are always on in anybody's car. He was also too much of a distraction to the drivers. He will touch things and once, he grabbed the gear shift.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeSep 23rd 2011
    if you care to read thru the 600_+!! comments on driving topic you will find a lot of info about this very subject. having them in the front seat next to controls can become a very real threat to the one driving.
    about the only way to control them and avoid conflicts is to put them in the back RIGHT side behin the drivers so you can see them easily and they dont catch you offguard. child locks are a must as well as a seatbelt they forget how to get out of. its a tricky situation -