My friend, who is less computer savvy than anyone I know, has one, and seems to manage fine with it. The only problem I found with it is that it is very sensitive, so even if you are using the keyboard, instead of touching the screen, sometimes it changes pages. I guess you have to get used to it. I did not like using the touchscreen because it hurt my shoulder to keep my arm up all of the time. But, as I said, you can use the keyboard instead.
I looked into it but decided not to get one - too big to haul around in an RV. I would think if you turn the 'touch' off it would help with that problem. I use a wireless mouse with my laptop and if I forget to turn off the touchpad, I can find my cursor has moved to somewhere else in whatever I am typing.
Vickie, it looks interesting...I use my iPad almost exclusively because it is small and portable so I have much experience with a touch screen, but still prefer a keyboard if I am typing anything very lengthy. Sorry I couldn't help.
Thanks for all your comments. I have a laptop, but still prefer my desktop for my big jobs I use the computer for. But think I might just get the All-In-One without the touch screen. All you have is a large flat screen monitor,wireless keyboard and mouse - no tower!
I have an all in one iMAC and I love it. I use it mainly for photography projects. The larger screen gives me a lot of space for editing them. I use my laptop for emails and routine documents like DH's medication list etc. My screen is 24". You may not need one that large. I chose the iMAC after using MAC laptops and having relief from worrying about virus issues..and the tech support is superb. If you do go MAC be sure to get the Apple is worth every cent if something ( like the logic board) goes down.
I have an all=i=one Dell and don't use the touchscreen, but I really do love the fact that there is no tower to deal with. No crawling around on the floor plugging in wires.
We use a touch screen to log in to our volunteer shifts at our zoo. The touch screen is flaky and slow so most of us just use the mouse. I use the iPad touch pad and love it, though. I have a laptop MacBook Pro and though I did have it hooked up to a big screen with a wireless keyboard and mouse, I found I was perfectly happy using the smaller screen most of the time. I have familial tremor so the touchpad is a lot easier to keep the cursor from flying all over the screen than the mouse.