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    • CommentAuthorElaine K
    • CommentTimeSep 18th 2011
    I was just wondering how many of you have been blamed as the cause of your LO's dementia by his/her family. Unfortunately this has been an ongoing situation for me for almost two years. My DH had a fainting episode on Christmas Eve '09 which resulted in a trip to the emergency room and a CT scan, which showed brain atrophy. At that point I already had suspicions that he might have dementia and had expressed my concerns to his family. I found out my DH's sister has been badmouthing me to other family members, accusing me of causing my husband's B12 deficiency by not cooking well enough for him, not getting him the right medical treatment, etc. At first I was devastated and very hurt and now it's laughable. Fortunately my kids and stepkids have been great in defending me, but it's causing a huge rift in the family. To complicate matters, my husband's mother and sister live in a house we own and since his mother is in poor health, I can't throw them out. DH doesn't have a clue this is even going on, and there's no sense in even mentioning it to him.

    I certainly feel betrayed because I have all along been forthcoming in keeping them updated about my husband's doctor visits, various tests, etc. and this has all been used against me. They are from Europe and seem to have a very suspicious mindset and like to blame others for their problems. What a mess!
    Elaine, my advice is to just ignore them. It doesn't matter what they say or what they is what it is and nothing you did or can do will change that. They will never admit they are wrong so screw 'em.

    Of course, being the troublemaker that I am I would strike back and tell them that the doctor told you that the disease was caused by something that happened to him when he was a child....long before you met him. Put the blame on them.

    I am sorry....sometimes I can just be evil.....LOL!
    • CommentAuthorElaine K
    • CommentTimeSep 18th 2011
    Thanks Sandi -- I like your advice! I have thought about saying something to the effect that maybe it had its roots in his childhood and quite honestly, I have sometimes wondered about that. My husband grew up in post-war Western Europe, so who knows what type of toxins were floating around in the air. Sadly since my mother-in-law probably only has a few months to live, I had hoped to be there to help her. Now, I don't even want to visit her anymore. I guess she will take her blame and bitterness to the grave.
    Sandi*...I love it. Or nicely you could say he inheirted it! That takes the blame off of you and of your gene pool!
    • CommentAuthorcarosi*
    • CommentTimeSep 18th 2011
    I don't think this is a rare problem. And after knocking myself out trying to keep them (my in-lws) informed, I finally figured it out. They subscribe to the unwritten law that the closest person to the one who is ill (that's us as the Spouse) is the designated Caregiver. That person is responsible for everything--the LOs conditon, his/her care; what goes wrong; EVERYTHING. They, on the other hand don't want to know; don't want to hear about; won't visit; and reserve the right to criticize and even interfere in the LOs care.

    As I've described on other threads this has been a piece of my plate of sh*t to deal with since DH's Dx with Mental Illness in March 1988, and worsened with his Dx of VaD in Aug-Sept 2006. I spent 3 years fighting their efforts to tell DH to quit taking "all the drugs". His understanding of "drugs" has always been "street drugs". He was taking "MEDICATION". The more they pushed the more I closed the door to keeping them informed because it wasn't doing any good and there were other things more important for me to do.
    The crownming touch came in the summer of 2008 when DH was tryin g to get5 his Driver's Licnse back and failed. His sisters had the chance to ptrovide him with a used Power wheelchair. I chbecked all possible legal requirements as well as the Dr.s' instructions, and told them he couldn'ty have it and all the reasons why. While I was at an Appointment, they brought it to the house,gave it to him, and persuaded him to keep it a secret from me. It was in the garage. When I found out about it that night, I called them and told them it had to be removed from here ASAP. He couldn't have it. And, if they had a problem coming after it I'd make arrangements. They said they,'d pick it up MThursdy after work.Noone cam; no one called. Friday night, at suppertime I called and told them I was making arrangements as soon as I could. They said they'd be here as soon as they finished eating.
    They came. They loaded it. An d then the sister transportming ite dished out a tongue lashing. I "was unreasonable. He's lived here all his life, he won't get lost. I have a scooter, he should be able to have the chair. I have no respect for her. She works, and had to work overtime. She doen't have in-home help. She can't sit around like alady of leisure.."

    Since then I have very little contact with them, and what I do have is polite but has little substance. I believe I've asked their assistance with something small 2 or 3 times since then.

    his year they think they're helping.To use their explan ation, they are "providing cigarettes to DH, as a bandaid for the smoming problem until his name comes up on the waiting list and he gets placed." And yes, they have been told he is not to smoke. It is speeding up his VaD.

    I can't stop him from getting cigarettes. We are not buying them. What they're giving him helps keep him from wandering to go get some.
    Dealing with the relatives can sometimes work out, but from mine and others' experiences, I say be wary. If thy don't "get it" distance or cushion yourself from their misguided crap and concentate on the things you have to do because no one else can.
    Sandi* I love your advice and I intend to remember that should anything like this happen to me...I have a sil who thinks vitamins are the answer to it all.
    • CommentTimeSep 19th 2011 edited
    Elaine K, I think you should just let everybody that not only did you not cause it, but in case they haven't heard yet Doctors have learned that cancer is not catching either as was believed and we no longer burn witches at the stake. You might also tell them if they have a computer they research many more myths online.

    OMG! What is it with SILs anyway? Mine thinks the same way...good nutrition and vitamins...the answer to preventing every illness. She has hinted that this is one of the reasons my DH is so confused... And it is very clear that she has not done much reading about AD...I mean real research, and not these little columns we see featured in the weekend papers or the so called health magazines like Prevention. But you know, she does not want to hear the reality of the disease...she can't handle that, so she chooses to explain it herself and believe what is safer for her...that if she eats a healthy diet (all organic) and takes the appropriate vitamins, she will not develop any illnesses...more power to her, but this is not reality! I truly believe that the "blame and criticism" we are discussing is borne out of fear, and very little if any explaining on our parts will get through to these people!
    • CommentAuthorElaine K
    • CommentTimeSep 19th 2011
    Thanks everyone for your support and comments. It's good to know I'm not the only one dealing with the madness. Sometimes I think it's more difficult dealing with the family than my husband. AT least I have supportive kids who care.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeSep 19th 2011
    just a thought: maybe it is easier to blame you than think they might be the next victim of AD.
    Charlotte, I have thought the same thing. If it is our fault, that means it can't happen to them.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeSep 20th 2011

    That's a great idea! Can I blame you too? And I've also got a friend here.

    I'm not sure what issues broomhilde there has; but, you have to be a trodlogdyte with a 5 watt bulb as a brain to think B12 and diet cause AD. If that were true everybody until modern times would have had AD and Quasimodo there has to be refusing deliver of information if she hasn't caught on yet.

    That part is certain because the children are arguing with her. That and the housing situation make me immediately see that I'm not in her web - she's in mine. But then I think in ruthless terms and have no feelings.

    See there's a point here. It's my job to see that SIL really is doing these things and that they're not just unreasonable - they're outright hurtful. Taking delivery of that information means that it's up to me to understand what she does. It would be great if we could all get along but I'm not the one sticking needles into people eyes. Frankly from the little you said, it's clear she's way over the line and either she has a problem or this is personal. It's probably both.

    Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. It's unfortunate that some people are hurtful. And it does hurt. But when they still keep acting like that and we already know that, it's time to put the armor on. We don't have to give up on them; but, I can guarantee you'll be using your shield.

    That Irish saying sounded preachy. That's not why I said it. I think it means empower yourself. Few in battle are calm; but, truly understanding that this person is in fact behaving badly and that's not actually about you would be what I would try and move towards.

    If you're vindictive like me, you would appreciate that the children arguing with her diatribes is probably driving her nuts. It sounds like in the future with regard to the house they live in, it will rest in your hands what happens despite her poor behavior. Having worked to resolve some of this in your mind as to who is being a jerk here - will help take the power of her shortcomings away. I call that winning because the last thing we need is more stress. But then we actually have to believe it's their problem. This clearly is the fact here.