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    Does anyone else's LO sit with their mouth open and just stare off into space? And his eyes are glassy and vacant? How can he still know everyone but not know how to rise his arms to put on shirt?How can he tell me what kind of car he saw and not know how to go pee?How can he walk around slow as a turtle and yet get out of my sight in a flash? How does he know where he wants to eat but not know how to sit down on the chair or get into the car?How can he constantly want to go to bed,but not know how to get into bd,and then be up and down 30 times before going to sleep????? Sorry for all this I just needed to TALK.
    • CommentAuthorZibby*
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2011
    Oh, yeah. I'm surprised by nothing anymore.
    bak I don't have the answers but it seems like a lot of the same issues you are having. One difference is my dh can't verbalize what he wants to say. His vocabulary is very limited and hardly ever is the correct word said. He doesn't sit with his mouth open but he does stare off into space and at things. Most of the time you can tell he doesn't know what is going on. There are so many times it would be good to talk so I just either don't or I come to this site. You never have to be sorry for coming to this site to talk. Wish I had some answers for you other than a shoulder. But remember we are here for each other with a shoulder, a hug, a tear, and a remark....... Hope it gets better for you......
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2011
    bak your comments are so true. as its amazing that with each feat they can still do there is one equally important that is lost. its the yin/yang disease and it is ever challenging to deal with the positive/negative factors that continue thruout the journey. on a positive note, be happy its just 'pee' to cleanup the flip side isnt as easy.:)
    • CommentAuthormaryd
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2011
    Yes, DH does sit with his mouth open staring. Or he may be clicking his teeth, his real ones. This started in April and I don't think he even knows he is doing it. Or, he may tap his fingers in his chair or on his leg. This constant motion does not necessarily keep him awake, he does it as he dozes. Sometimes he holds the newspaper in front of him and pretends to read as he snoozes. However, if I get up to do something, he is right there so I can almost trip over him. If I am cleaning up in the kitchen, he will clean the counters, right after I have cleaned them. If I give him a chore to do, it never gets on. You have to wonder.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2011

    It is the nature of the disease. It attacks different parts of the brain at different times. It seems that your husband has not lost his memory for people and what he WANTS to do. It is more that he has lost his motor planning ability. He knows he wants to eat, but his brain has lost the ability to carry out the "sitting in the chair" part.

    Sid has almost zero short term memory; poor judgement and reasoning; can't remember where I've gone, even if I'm still in the house. BUT, his sense of direction, which was always excellent, is still very good. When I am driving, he very often knows exactly where to tell me to turn, even if it's a location 50 miles from home.

    • CommentAuthorAnn*
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2011
    It's strange that he still has his sense of direction.With my DH his sense of direction was the first thing to go.They are indeed all different.