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    • CommentAuthorginaginaz
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2011
    At long last, since I was finally able to get him to agree, I made an appointment with his Cardiologist to check his cartoid arteries. Unfortunately, we can't get in to see him until Sept. 19. It's going to be a long, long month trying to keep DH in a "good place" so that he doesn't change his mind about going. Been reading on this site about how difficult it is to find a doctor who actually listens to what we tell them, and not blow us off. I really do need to calm down and focus, but it is hard never knowing when my DH will turn into Hyde. So far, it's been really good; but it always is when I first let him back, when he once again reverts back into my wonderful husband.......But I know it won't last indefinitely. However, I will try my best to use all of the helpful advice everyone here has given me to sustain this calm for us.

    In the meantime, does anyone know how they test for blockage in the carotid arteries? Suspecting that his problem may be vascular dementia, I must admit I haven't been able to find out too much about that process on the internet. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Also, in the recent past, he has had 2 instances of spots before his eyes. He went to an opthamologist who found nothing wrong with his eyes. Do you think this could have been mini strokes? I will be sure to mention it to his cardio dr. Thanx so much for any feedback on this. Gina
    Hi Gina:

    My dh had the test recently for the carotid artery. They customarily do an ultrasound. No pain involved. They just move the "wand" up and down the neck. If blockage is found then they will tell you what the next step is. They used to call it the "Roto-Rooter" special. Only way to remove it is to suck it out someway. Someone else on the board can help you there.

    I have had those spots in my eyes. Mine were called "fleeing flies". Just a reflection of light on the back of the eye. If the opthalmalogist found nothing wrong with eyes, rest easy. Those docs are trained to spot a lot of stuff.
    ginaginaz, the test for the carotid arteries is non-invasive and painless. They may let you stay with him. The nurse just uses a "wand" scrolling over the neck area.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2011
    Gina, they test for carotid artery blockages by using ultrasound. Spots in eyesight can be many things, so it's hard to say. Some medications can cause it. Good luck with the doctor's appointment in September. I am glad you were able to get him to see someone. Make sure you provide the info to the doctor before the visit so he/she can help facilitate any other doctor visits, meds, etc.
    Gina--you need to borrow my mantra. I used to say, over and over to myself "you can do this". Somehow, it helped.
    • CommentAuthorZibby*
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2011
    Floaters sometimes "float" across the vision path. My hb has vascular dementia; high bp. Periodic MRI to show the blackened part of the brain in the past, but now we do nothing except take 40mg of Lisinopril for high bp at night. Mini strokes you/he may or may not be aware of it, "kill" part of the brain as my hb used to say.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2011
    After my sister's stroke it showed she had over 20 dead spots in her brain. Carotid artery was responsible for many but some were in the back part of the brain which is supplied by a different artery which showed clear of blockage or build up - still remains a mystery. The personality change that comes with a stroke or even from those little clots can be a Hyde/Jekell. Her carotid was 90% blocked. What they did was go in and the cholesterol blocked literally peeled off according to the surgeon. Dr. Josh said this surgery can cause memory loss and I think it did add to her memory loss.
    Gina, I can see so much change in you in this past week or so. Seems you are begining to get a handle on your situation. Good for YOU!!! Hang with us and we will try hold you hand through the scary parts.