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    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2011
    Well, folks, today was a perfect example of how crazy Alzheimer's Disease is. We had an apt. with the diabetic shoe caster at 9:30 this morning. Another apt. with the podiatrist for a Medicare mandated neuropathy test at 2:45 in the afternoon.

    At the shoe casting apt., Sid told the guy that the last time (WHICH WAS OVER A YEAR AGO!!!!!), he had made one shoe too high, and it threw his balance off. He told him we had to come back to have it adjusted, so would he please not make it so high this time. ???????????????????????????????????? Sid can't remember what he is doing from one minute to the next. How in the Hell could he have remembered that?

    Okay, we get finished with that apt., and are on our way home. For the umpteenth time, I reminded him of the neuropathy testing that afternoon. We talked about how the doctor poked his feet with needles during the last test (2 months ago), and he didn't feel anything. He did sort of remember that. We get home, eat lunch, and a couple of hours later, we're in the car on the way to the apt. I swear to you - we are sitting in the waiting room, and he wants to know why we are there. I told him about the neuropathy testing. He said he thought it was a regular apt. I told him about the needles, and he said he didn't know there were needles involved. ?????????????????????????

    In the morning, he remembered EXACTLY what happened more than a year ago, and a few hours later, he can't remember what I said that morning. It's no wonder I'm on Zoloft!

    • CommentAuthorphil4:13*
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2011
    I'm on way more medication than DH is. Can't imagine why!!!
    This stage was so frustrating for me to Joan. DH wanted to be on the road all the time. Since I live in a very small isolated town, our choices were limited. He loves Wal-Mart. Always wanted to go to Wal-Mart. I would take him and as soon as we walked in the door...he wanted to go home. I would bring him home and he would start yelling "we never leave this house...we never go anywhere". I wanted to pull my hair out.

    It is very hard to deal with.