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    DH used to do all the home repairs. As Joan knows I'm short and terrified of falling off ladder's. If I get hurt there's no one else around. Do you ask your family for help or do as I do and "save it for something more serious". I talking about the routine stuff like putting up a new mail box,etc.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 29th 2008
    By all means ask for help from family and friends when you need it. we cant do it all ourselves even though we think we can. its exhausting to take on the everyday chores on top of the needed home repairs. if i thought a relative would actually come i'd be calling all the time:) but in my case i do it myself rather than get an excuse from any of them. if its something i cant do or dangerous then usually i will call a handy man to do it. i have been know to get on our 3story roof to caulk windows on a ladder up there...i do have my limits- esp with electrical stuff..terrified of that. divvi
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeJun 29th 2008
    Ask your family, ask your neighbors, ask friends, ask people at church, ask anyone. Really, bluedaze, we can't do it all. Lots of times, there are plenty of people who would be happy to help out if they just knew something concrete that they could do. Most of us (me) don't have the brains to just say, "Would you mind..." or "Do you know anybody who's good at doing x?"
    • CommentAuthorcarosi*
    • CommentTimeJun 29th 2008
    What Sunshyne said. Ask for specifics. I've been as bad as the people who say, "Just call me if you need anything. I'll be glad to help." And nobody ever calls anybody and stuff doesn't get done.
    Two big things I've learned--accept help gracefully--let the giver know it's appreciated, and don't say stuff like,"You shouldn't have." or "You didn't have to do that." They know that. That's like a slap. Do for them at another time, and if you can't do for them, do for someone else--it'll go around. Ask for specific help. Remember, you're no worse off if they can't, but heaps better if they can.
    We have to accept any help that will free us to do the stuff only we can do. Lots of people can do small repairs, but only you can make the dedcisions for your LO and if you're messing with repairs, you may not be getting all the info you need to do good decision making.