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    I Think maybe someone played a dirty game on the FB page and may have a virus? I have a MAC and my screen is doing all sorts of things even on other sites that never happened before since that chat crap started bothering all of us....something is not right. Anyone got an idea?
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJul 17th 2011
    once I unchecked 'enable group messaging', it was fine. For days now when I play farmville the screen will go off alignment while loading. That may be what you are taking about. It happens when I move around or post things.
      CommentAuthorBama* 2/12
    • CommentTimeJul 17th 2011
    I noticed a little green dot on the left side of "chat" at the bottom of the page. I clicked on the dot and got a pop-up letting me go off-line on chat. I will have to click off-line to get back on chat. I don't like the feature because my typing is so slow and I can't keep up with the conversation. I never could find "enable group messaging" that Charlotte suggested. So, now, mine is taken care off. Wish all my problems were that easy.
    Got it squared away too finally. I don't play the games..just don't have the time.