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    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2008
    This week has been an eye opener. I had no idea that small cell lung cancer caused dementia, either through the treatment or whatever. The symptoms are so similar to what you all are experiencing, but the cause is totally different. I now feel somewhat like an "intruder" since I found all this out this week. Do I go to some site with spouses who have surviving spouses with small cell lung cancer induced dementia or what? I have learned so much in the short time I've been here, but I feel like I am now an "outsider." I would hate to lose you all, but am trying to do the right thing.
    Are you out of your mind---Of course you belong here
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2008
    Good grief, woman, are you nuts? Where on earth else would you belong?

    And in case you hadn't noticed, we don't differentiate regarding the type of disorder that causes the dementia, let alone what may have triggered its onset. People here have spouses with AD, FTD, VaD, you name it.

    You may be unique, but you're ours.
    Val, dementia is dementia no matter what the type or the cause. You belong right here.....
    So there! Are you satisfied.
    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2008
    Thanks!!!! I didn't want to lose you guys. I feel like I have found my "home." Just wasn't sure if I was entitled to be here. I would have lost my house had it not been for Jane, and I would have lost my mind had it not been for all others.
    I first took my DH to the doc in 1993 because he was acting strange. I said, 'If it's AD, don't tell me, make something up.' Talk about denial! None of today's meds were available then nor what we know about all the distinctions that cause dementia. The doc told me it didn't really matter what the cause was, all we could do was treat the symptoms. Today a lot more is know and that dear man has long since retired. But, bottom line is we still have to treat the symptoms no matter the cause. CG's must live with the anguish. We are the ones who understand what it means to see a spouse disappear. Unless it can be reversed, who cares what the cause is?

    Val, not only do you need to be here for yourself, but you have been going thru what many others must endure w/attorneys, divorce, finances, etc and your experience has been helpful to more people than you know. Don't take that valuable info away from the others.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2008
    I most definately agree what causes dementia isnt important. the symtoms are the same and the end results are also unfortunately. the worry, heartache, financial, emotion losses, are OUR symtoms that need to be treated as well and I found that the 'any kind of dementia' 'PHd's' here are quite informed and give that oh-so-needed- hands on! advice to get us thru -each and every member who takes the time to post supplies something to another person here i do believe. hang in there, miss val! divvi
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2008
    Some of our LOs have what some doctor's call Vascular Dementia, and a bunch of different doctors won't call it that but it is still dementia. Of course you belong here. You have already started paying the "rent" by answering other people's questions. That is what makes a community. No community can have enough people who can answer questions. Don't go!
    • CommentAuthorJane*
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2008
    Sandi has already said it so well, DEMENTIA IS DEMENTIA

    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2008
    I agree, dementia is dementia no matter what causes it.
    • CommentAuthordecblu
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2008
    Val, you have insight for us too!! I didn't realize that being a casue for dementia! Though many syptoms,etc.. are all similar , we all learn by sharing!! I am glad you are staying! Isn't it NICE to have caring people who offer their shoulder!!