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    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeMay 17th 2011
    I just put up links on the home page under Breaking News to 3 excellent and timely articles. One refers to balancing budget cuts with Alzheimer's needs; one is about symptoms OTHER than memory loss in the early stages of AD and how doctor's do not recognize them as signs of AD; and the third is questions to ask when you are interviewing a home health worker. Log onto to click the direct links.

    • CommentAuthormary22033
    • CommentTimeMay 17th 2011
    Wow, I am impressed by the article: Memory Loss May Not Be Only Sign of Early Alzheimer's

    In particular: "There is a need for doctors to be able to more easily recognize and diagnose early-onset Alzheimer’s, which would allow them to do a better job of treating patients and improving the quality of their lives." I can't tell you how many articles I've read that state - Why bother with early diagnosis when there is no cure? So nice to see an author advocate for early diagnosis as a means of "imporving the quality of life." Bravo!

    I always cringe when I hear AD described as a "memory disorder." Most people think that's all it is - including my family. It is so much more than that. It is a degenerative brain disease that transforms the very soul of the person afflicted - their personality, ability to socailize, ability to cope, ability to reason, judgment, computational skills, etc - all of this on top of memory problems. Memory problems are the least of it!
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeMay 17th 2011
    Oh yes, Mary, I completely agree. I have written many blogs on the personality change. I have said it before, and I try to warn everyone whose LO is experiencing personality changes - go to a neurologist BEFORE you go to the divorce lawyer. If Sid hadn't had memory issues with the personality changes, I never would have considered a neurologist - I would have gone to marriage counseling, and we know that wouldn't have worked. Early diagnosis can't change the outcome, but it can certainly change the quality of life for patient and caregiver.

    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeMay 17th 2011
    OK, I feel really stupid asking this, but where on the homepage is the Breaking News Link? I have looked high & low & can’t find it (must be a case of caregiver agnosia!)
    That is such a good point. It was way back on the cusp of '02/'03 that Jeff and I took a winter break trip to his sister's flat in London, and I was so looking forward to it, because he'd seemed "stressed" for a few months, and emotionally remote. This was going to be our wonderful opportunity to escape kids and work for a week. Turns out he stayed cranky and remote. Turns out it was the beginning of the slide. (Luckily cranky hasn't remained a feature of his personality changes.)
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeMay 17th 2011

    The middle main section of the home page. The Welcome is at the top. Then my picture. Then the blue square that says "Breaking News". I update that section every day with new news stories. There's always a good article or important news in that section.
