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Vanilla 1.1.2 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    These are some of the measures my DH Nh has now implemented for him.
    I already told most about the lowered bed and the pads for him to roll around on and no wheelchairs or anything nearby that he could climb up.

    They are assigning one aide per hour in charge of watching him. They switch off after an hour so they can get other stuff done. When needed, he is brought into the nurses station and hangs with the nurses. He has snacks and plays with the unplugged telephone.

    When he is exceptionally antsy in his wheelchair, they put a gaitbelt on him and stand him up and rub his back and behind to get the blood moving. They will do this 3-4 times in a row. I also got a full stand up hug the other day doing this..first in years and years.

    When he is at his most frustrated, they will walk him a few steps down the hall and back with a gaitbelt and an aide on each side.

    These seem to help, and no restraints still.
    I am liking this NH right now for thinking outside the box. WHY does he want to stand? Uncomfortable? Wedgie? Sore? Something to do? And they try to accomodate this within safe parameters.

    From one Mama Bear to another
    • CommentTimeMay 2nd 2011
    Love the Momma Bear. That IS exactly how I feel! Patty, thank you very much for posting this for me! ♥

    For those of you who do not know, Lynn had a pretty bad fall on April 7th. Because he is now getting clearer on the Marinol, he is now attempting to stand and walk!! Something I NEVER thought to see him do again. He can also now once again read. Well... clearly he always could, but AD had locked the ability in chains. Now, those chains are freeing some... and as I said he is reading again. Not novels, but signs etc etc....

    So, he sees the sign for the Bathroom, and now he KNOWS he has to go, .... his AD mind puts two and two together and he tries to get up and walk to the bathroom. All wonderful, except for one thing.... Lynn can't walk!! He hasn't walked since his pulmonary embolism last August.

    I am having trouble with the nursing home and have called for an emergency care plan meeting. I asked that all heads of staff be present and accounted for. We meet on Wednesday.

    The problem is that since his April 7th fall, Lynn has had two additional falls, and two "slips" or "rolls off the bed" That is a total of 5 incidents in less than a month!!! Lynn is in a "No restraint" facility. And where I advocate for not using harming restraints, I am angered that the nursing home is NOT abiding by my wish that precaution "restraints" be used. Even though I did state the law that Divvi so wonderfully shared with us.

    They will not use bottom bedrails, and they will not use a safety belt on his reclining Broda chair. They also despite my strong desire, will not do restorative care on Lynn. they say he is not "with it" enough to follow directions. I have asked, many times, that they work with his legs to give them strength. Not because I feel he will ever walk again... (but God, how amazing would that be!!) But because he is and will continue to try to stand and walk. So my thinking is, if they make his legs stronger, he will at least be able to stand long enough, that when the alarms go off, the nurses will have time to get to him BEFORE he falls. As it is now, he is on the floor long before someone gets to him. And IMHO, that is WRONG! and unacceptable!

    I have talked to different people until I am blue and the face and now, I have reached my breaking point. I am frustrated beyond measure. They will not use precautionary "restraints" and they will not work with him to make his legs stronger. It is a no win situation. Something has to change, and come Wednesday, something WILL change. I would hate to have to move Lynn to another facility, he is soooo comfortable and happy there! Yet, I will not have his best interest, and my wishes blatantly ignored either.

    They have lowered his bed, and he does have the matts... but he is still getting hurt with each fall. The last few have been "minor" but he is on Coumadin, and that scares the hell out of me!!

    Patty, thank you for sharing what your DH's nursing home is doing to help him. I will be sure to point out these comfort measure at the meeting!!!

    Ahhhhh, it feels good to vent!!! Thank you for giving me this safe place to express myself ♥
    Oh Nikki..I know those Coumadin bruises. My dad was on it for years and any little bump sprouts these nasty bruises or heaven forbid a scratch. One time, he was in Rio on the beach, and these teenage thugs thought he looked an easy target ..old dude, camera bag etc. They mugged him, BIT him, but he wouldnt let go, as he had his passport in the camera bag. Silly goose. When he got home, he was a sight to behold..especially the human bite on his cheek.
    Remember tho, they LOOK worse than they feel.

    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeMay 3rd 2011 edited
    i am also for all we can do peacefully with the best interest of staff and patient working together. all of us want to get things accomplished in a positive mode.but sometimes we have to play their way and get tough for what we need. i would also point out to them with a smile nikki that you are documenting everything you have asked for and been refused for lynns safety and dates of times of meetings and who with-(-and do this for your records for later use) let them see you take a picture of lynns room and as it is now and any changes they make. and any bruises he gets with falls even if minor for now.

    - and let them know in a non threatening way of course..that if some reasonable means to control the falls isnt met, you will have no alternative to consult with an attorney if he falls and has a more serious injury. they know what this means. YOU ASKED, THEY REFUSED,YOU DOCUMENT HE GOT HURT --^^^^^^^-Words from heaven for a personal injury lawyer -GRIN. *****
    especially when they CAN implement safety measures including 'safety restraints' with a doctors supervision if they wanted to go this route.
    whenever a facility sees you documenting things and making records and pictures, it lets them know you are preparing for the 'whatifs' and a possible cause of action against them in the future. it makes them much easier to deal with as all facilities have some sort of inhouse counsel on call and they consult with them regularly if they think there could be a problem. these attys duties are to tell them how to AVOID any legal conflicts and financial losses.. not an attorney as you all k now but married one of the best. :) i learned alot working with him on his cases during the years. hoping this helps some of you with NH falls and non responses.

    Nikki--check out the blog Joan did on documenting care plan meetings. I thought it was an excellent format.
    • CommentTimeMay 3rd 2011
    Thank you all for your support and help. I do document everything! And they see me there with my phone taking pictures as well. I am not bashful about it either. After each fall I took pictures of him right in front of the nursing stations. Didn't seem to phase them in the least! Perhaps I have been talking to the wrong people? I talked to the PT manager, the head of OT and the floor head nurse. I thought those were the right people. But a month, and NOTHING has been done! And yes, I have played nice... i really do not like confrontation. I think it is the middle child syndrome lol

    But now, the gloves come off!! I have the laws, the pictures of his injuries and a video and pictures of his room. I also have all the notes I have been keeping. Who I talked to, the date and time etc etc. I have also asked for a copy of his medical records. And of course, I asked for the emergency care plan meeting with ALL heads of staff/departments.

    My stomach is in knots!! But, I will be strong and advocate strongly for Lynn. He would do the same for me! I just wish I could take all of you in there with me! I feel a bit out of my element, and lost ... it was always "Lynn and I against the world" and now it is just me....fighting for Lynn's world.... acccccck
      CommentAuthorBama* 2/12
    • CommentTimeMay 3rd 2011
    Nikki, you'll do just fine. I would choose you anyday to advocate for me. Go get 'em girl.
      CommentAuthorchris r*
    • CommentTimeMay 3rd 2011
    Good luck, Nikki, we'll be anxious to hear the outcome.