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    • CommentAuthorDianeT*
    • CommentTimeApr 28th 2011
    I have found out that there is a tax free Aid and Attendance benefit to veterans who are over age 65 and server 1 day during war time. They did not have to be in combat.The information below is what I received when I inquired in the Seattle area. I'm sure there are other points of contacts for your particular states but it may be worth your time to look into it. If you are in WA state, let me know and I can provide you with the contact information. My financial status will change when I retire on June 1st so I am looking forward to some help.

    Thank you for your interest in the Aid and Attendance Benefit for your husband. It is our policy that when working with seniors to require a family member to participate in the process to assist their parents in making the best decision about applying for this benefit.

    Who is a Wartime Veteran? According to the rules and regulations for Aid and Attendance, a war veteran is anyone with 90 days of active duty, with one of those days having been during a wartime period. A veteran does not have to be in combat to qualify. The service dates are shown on the attached Eligibility Questionnaire.

    A recent poll showed over 79% of American war veterans or their Surviving Spouses were unaware of the government entitlement program Aid and Attendance. Among those who had heard of the program, a mere 14% knew whether or not they qualified and even fewer knew what the benefits would be if they did. These benefits can be as high as $2,540 tax free monthly.

    Our mission is to assist all eligible veterans or their surviving spouses to qualify for the benefit. I am proud that our organization, The Veterans Assistance Association, has assisted approximately 3,500 families nationally in applying for their benefit, with a 100% rate of approval here in the Seattle area.

    What if I have too many assets? VA guidelines currently allow the repositioning of assets to qualify for the benefit. Because this is an area in which we specialize, we have helped many families meet the guidelines and look forward to discussing this with you.

    To receive VA approval, the applicant must qualify both medically and financially. The Aid and Attendance Benefit is paid retroactively from the date the Veterans Administration receives your completed application package. The benefit is most easily obtained when the applicant is living either in an Independent Retirement or Assisted Living Community. There is an At Home Benefit, however, receiving approval for that is much more difficult to obtain and we currently do not process for this benefit.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeApr 28th 2011
    I saw a video about it not long ago. You have to have the spouse in NH or home care but then that is when it is needed. I have it in bookmarks for later.
    Diane, it's a wonderful benefit, if you can qualify. I tried a year ago, filled out all 32 pages of forms and copies of everything. Our income disqualified us since I was working part time, had an IRA - which they counted also. Of course, DH is at home - not placed anywhere, and I agree, it's easier to get the benefit if placed and you are paying out of pocket.