After DH taking aricept for several months I see no difference.I'm wondering if we can just stop the drug? It is expensive and would not consider stopping if it was of any help.Have any of you just stopped and if so what to expect?
After being on it for 7 years, I stopped it last August. Saw no difference. I think it's the general consensus that after several years, it may not be doing any good. That's what I have found. Neurologist and PCP also agreed.
DH took Aricept for several months, then pcp added Namenda. After 3 months of the two meds, dh said, 'no more.' DH claimed he couldn't tolerate the bizarre dreams and stomach side effects. So then the pcp gave him the Exelon patch which he seemed to tolerate well but dh refused that once the scrip was finished. I never noticed any improvement and I really don't think the disease progressed quickly. Doctor said if I didn't notice any change when he stopped taking the meds, then it wasn't doing any good.
Have any of you read Maria Shriver's Report (it is quite long) the Alz. Assn. is sending out prior to next Sunday's special with Larry King?
My husband was on Aricept and Namenda and I didn't think it was doing any good any longer. My husband was going through a steep decline. I consulted with his neurologist. He told me often times when you stop the medication you will see a sharp decline. I didn't think I could see anything worse than I had already seen. I took him off both and his decline got worse. After 6 months of Hospice working with him and adjusting his meds, he is finally is a somewhat stable decline.
Ann - you can only know if you take him off if it is helping. Only you can decide if you want to take the risk. If you do notice a decline they say if you put them back on they will/may regain some ground but probably not back to where they were.
have you done a google search of 'free medications"? they are a few out that that will pay for your meds for you. Worth looking in to. I am very, very fortunate to have VA medical so the galantamine only cost $8 a month.
My husband was on Namenda for several years. I weaned him off, and although I didn't notice much in the way of cognitive change, he became gloomier. Sort of a permanent frown - he's mostly non-verbal aphasic. So I've started him back up...
My DH is on Namenda & has been for over 5 years. I ran out a few months ago & after reading here that the consensus is that it is ineffective after 3 or 4 years I decided to discontinue it. Well I saw a change in him after a little over a week. He was actually angry & on the aggressive side. So I decided to restart the Namenda & with the expert advice here I started on a low dose & built it up. Like we say each case is different & everyone reacts differently to the medications