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    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeApr 8th 2011 edited
    This morning I was checking my credit card balance. There was a discrepancy between what it showed I owed, and what was left on it for credit to spend. Hmmmm, thought I. I must have charged something else, but I can't remember. So I called, and the woman told me that I had charged $40 for an ALZHEIMER'S Conference. Oh, I said, I forgot! Sometimes, ya gotta laugh.

    Joan, that IS funny. That is so typical of an Alzheimer Spouse.
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeApr 8th 2011
    I forget things too. I was at the bank yesterday and was supposed to sign a paper while I was there. I FORGOT!!!! I had to make another trip today.
    CD - caregiver's dementia! I called a doctor's office to change the date of an appointment. Afterwards, realized I was looking at the wrong MONTH on my calendar - had to call them back and switch back. Oh my.....
    • CommentAuthorZibby*
    • CommentTimeApr 8th 2011
    Another "glad to know I'm not alone"
    Ever since my kids were little, I have done what we all call "auto pilot." This is when I turn left unstead of right out of the driveway. If I am in conversation, I just don't pay attention. Now, when I do it with DH in the car, he always says, "and you think I'm the one who is nuts." What a hoot.

    • CommentAuthordog
    • CommentTimeApr 8th 2011
    I kept looking for my watch this morning and thought DH had put it in his pocket before I took him to daycare. But when I got to work, I pushed up my shirt sleeve and realized I had been wearing it all along. Is it a full moon for us spouses?
    • CommentAuthorThunder*
    • CommentTimeApr 8th 2011
    I did the same thing a few weeks ago. I bought three tickets to the annual Night of Wine and Roses Alzheimer's black tie dinner and for the life of me I had forgotten when I saw the charge for $450 !!!! on my Visa bill. Sometimes I feel so stupid... :-)

    • CommentAuthorcarosi*
    • CommentTimeApr 9th 2011 edited
    Could not believe I did this. DH wanted the basement door unlocked because a neighbor was coming to take a small broken motor away. As I undid the padlock I told DH to have the neighbor relock it when they were done. Not 2 minutes later he hollered for me to come lock it. Exhasperated, as I head back to the door, I ranted, "Why couldn't you have him lock it like I said? Because your brain is broken, of course. Jeees..." DH never heard a word of it. He'd gone back outdoors. I'll probably always trip over these things.
    Thanks for sharing that, Joan! Sometimes we just have to laugh!
    • CommentTimeApr 15th 2011
    Kathryn and I showed up a month early for an appointment with her Neurologist. I didn't forget we had an appointment just what month it was.
