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    • CommentAuthorZibby*
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2012
    Our hospital has a SHIP (forget words the letters represent but relates to insurance) ofc that will plug in your needs and give a list of insurances available, cost, etc. Will check to see if requested meds are available on various plans. There's no charge for the service.
    Most pharmacies also will do this.
    • CommentAuthorLakegirl*
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2012
    I took Bob to the doctor's today for a variety of issues. One being vertigo again, not eating and having an upset stomach. I asked her about Marinol and she gave me a subscription for it. I wouldn't have known to ask if it weren't for this conversation. I hope to have some positive outcomes but at least it is worth a try. We also take coconut oil. It makes him regular and have seen more attention and focus after starting it. We've been taking it 4 months. It doesn't keep improving but anything is worth the effort. He could also use some weight on his poor frail bones. I hope it works.
    Lakegirl I just KNOW this is going to help!! SO happy you got the prescription!
    Good for your doctor! Hope the marinol works. The things we learn on this site - PRICELESS.
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2012
    Lakegirl, fantastic! I hope it proves to me the miracle it has been for us. Feel free to write me anytime ♥
    I know this thread is old, but reading it gave me hope. Is there another active thread with Nikki I can follow?
    • CommentTimeApr 1st 2013
    Hi, this is the only thread I did about Marinol here. I now share mostly with family and friends and post pictures and videos often on my facebook page. We continue to be blessed!

    Is there information you are looking for? I would be happy to help in any way I can :)
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