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    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2011
    Seems many of us have this problem of spouse hovering. How do you handle it?I am trying to do our income tax ,every time I get everything spread out and start working on it ,hubby comes,stands behind me,munching chips or something noisily.I am trying to keep calm but think I will soon have to scream at him.I told him I can't work with him looking over my shoulder but he can't understand why not.He stays in a half decent mood and I know if I scream I"ll blow it.He hovers when I do other things but I can handlee that pretty well,but not doing this,Any suggestions?
    • CommentAuthorandy*
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2011
    If possible I do those kind of things when he is asleep or I tell him I have very important paperwork to do and need to concentrate and try to get him engaged in something and then tell him not to bother me. Just like you would have done
    when you had small children. But, don't be surprised if you are interrupted!
    Mine likes music, so I can stick him in a chair with earphones, and clip the iPod shuffle (loaded with tunes I know he likes) to his shirt. That will keep him satisfied for a while.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2011
    its all about shadowing again. they cant stand to be without us or near us. just like a security blanket. they may start this hovering way before we realize its part of the disease and it drives us insane. just being near seems to sooth them although its quite unsettling having someones so close all the time. i never could manage the occupying his time so just opted for a chair in the room whereever i was and giving him a snack or candy to eat while he 'watched' and i mean watch it was. haha.. with bincoculars, all day long. even if i was a few ft away he watched me with binoculars.. sigh.. what a time that was. i called him the 'peeper'.. :) finding the right distraction may work but if all else fails just reallize its going to be very hard to find alone time. if you are able to get them to bed and slip out to work on stuff that would be a good idea.
    • CommentAuthorphil4:13*
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2011
    Can you get someone to watch him or take him out to lunch so you can get the taxes done? When they are at this stage it is very difficult to get them to "go away".
    • CommentAuthorAnn*
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2011
    I finally gave up and took all tax info to CPA.Costly but I can't stand the constant talking and looking over my shoulder.I give up easy these days.