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    • CommentAuthorColleen
    • CommentTimeMar 11th 2011
    Last Tuesday my hb came home from hospital on Hospice. Only gets to eat soft foods and fluids, hasn't been out of bed for 14 days now. My question is how long do people live in this stage??? He hardly ever opens his eyes and mumbles. Seems agaitated more , takes liqiud lorzepam. Thanks for your time.
    Colleen, there are no timetables with this disease. Some people go very quickly and others, like my husband, lived for 5 years in bed in a fetal position.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeMar 11th 2011

    I'm so sorry there is no answer to your question. As with everything else related to this disease, everyone is different. Sandi's husband was relatively young
    ( around 60 I think), and otherwise healthy, which would most likely account for the length of time in the end stage.

    Please know that although I can do nothing to ease your pain, I am thinking of you and sending hugs and comfort your way.

    Colleen-as others have said-there is no time table. My relatively young husband was on hospice for four years.
    My mom was on Hospice for less than a day...However, before she had Hospice,which I feel she should have had earlier but I did not have a vote.. had experienced some episodes of choking earlier, when she could still walk on her own..she did the chipmonk thing packing food in her cheeks, and these episodes would land her in the ER of observation then sent home. After one such event, I was shocked to see her in a hospital bed when I got to the house ( I lived in another state). She was in bed, only could drink a little liquids or whatever we could get into her that she could swallow which was a huge problem. She would be agaitaited and wave her arms around, she could not roll over on her own, had to have help with everything..this went on 11 day. I think it would have been shorter but for her pacemaker. I wonder what makes a pacemaker quit?

    I am sorry you are starting this long, painful, sad vigil.