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    • CommentAuthordeb42657
    • CommentTimeMar 10th 2011
    Does anyone know anything about Paxil. That is not the anti-depressant that I thought my dr. was going to come up with. I know nothing about this particular one. Is there anyone out there that has been on it or knows anyone that has been on it?
    • CommentTimeMar 10th 2011 edited
    I used it in the past and it helped me but it did a bit too much. It made me feel nothing which I didn't like. Also, when I first started it made me so sleepy I couldn't keep my eyes open. The doctor then switched me to citalopram (generic celexa) which has worked well for me without any drowsiness.
    I take Paxil 15 mg has helped me with depression and anxiety issues. But everyone reacts differently to these meds, because I started out taking Celexa, and it made me very anxious and "jumpy", unable to sleep. I guess trying it would be the only way to help you determine if it's the right one for you....make sure to let your md know if you experience any side effects.
    • CommentAuthordeb42657
    • CommentTimeMar 10th 2011
    Thank you for your imput. I know that I need something and it is nice to know that there are options and my dr. appointment is in April so that should give me plenty of time to be able to know how it is going to work or not work. Overall I feel pretty good about the choice.
    deb42657---I wish you the best in working through the depression. Please continue to post and let us know how you are doing. It usually takes 3-4 weeks before you see results from the med, so be patient. In the meantime you can visit this site and vent/commiserate with your cyber family....that may help too.
    • CommentAuthordeb42657
    • CommentTimeMar 11th 2011
    Yes bella, I really think that being here is already helping and well continue to help. I think if I didn't have all of you things would be far more worse. I started the Paxil yesterday at 10mg. and I will see my dr. on the 20th of April. Thank you for all of your continued help, all of you mean a lot to me.