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    • CommentAuthormaryd
    • CommentTimeMar 7th 2011
    My husband gets upset when commercials come on TV . When we are watching a show and the commercial comes on he gets upset and wants me to get rid of it. He gets more upset when I tell him I can't make it go away. He thinks that because I can fast forward with previously recorded shows, he expects I can do it all the time. He is clueless about using the remote. He wants me to change the channel when a commercial comes on. I wonder if anyone else has seen this behaviour
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeMar 7th 2011
    mary, my DH has the same reaction to commercials. He always wants me to change them so he can continue watching the show that's on. Of course there are times when he wants to watch the infomercials so he can call the 800# and order something. I'd rather deal with switching the channel until the commercial is over.
    • CommentAuthorphil4:13*
    • CommentTimeMar 7th 2011
    What you need is a DVR or a TIVO so you can record his programs and fast forward through the commercials. My DH seems to enjoy watching the most children.
    • CommentAuthordeb42657
    • CommentTimeMar 7th 2011
    My DH is the same way. He usually watches the PBS channel and last night he got so aggrivated by the commercials he told me "What is wrong with them, they didn't use to have commercials at all!" He said it like it was a crime to have commercials on that channel specifically. He loooooves the remote however and because he doesn't like commercials he is contantly flipping from one channel to the next not understanding why he can't find anything to watch!lol I have learned not to care! We always have a set routine of what we watch during the day but once the sun goes down...let the games begin!!!!
  1. husband would get furious with me when commercials came on...he accused me of changing the channel and he wanted me to switch back to the show.
      CommentAuthorol don*
    • CommentTimeMar 7th 2011
    Hey I think some of the commercials are better than the programs,the one with the little kid talking about investments or stocks is a hoot,I could watch a whole hour of those
    Me too, ol don! I love those and DH does too. Most of the others he says are stupid or don't make sense - true.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMar 7th 2011
    I hate commercials too! I think that is why remotes were invented - to switch when commercials come on!
    I love commercials. Great for potty time, unloading the dishwasher or getting a snack.
    Bluedaze, I agree with you!

    However, my husband used to get upset and change stations (when he could operate the remote) when commercials came on. I think it breaks the story line and that upsets them. Their ability to comprehend is slipping. We started only watching movies when it got bad. That calmed him down. His favorites he would watch over and over (because he knew it and could follow what was happening)....You get tired of the same movies...(that is why I now have an extensive DVD collection) Some stick to three or four and watch them all the time. If it keeps them happy, it is worth it.....