I invite you to log onto the home page - www.thealzheimerspouse.com - and read my latest blog. Dogs have always been a big part of our lives, and I found it so interesting that they are still able to bring out some of the Pre-Alzheimer days in us. I enjoyed writing this blog - it is an uplifting one.
Joan, so glad you were able to have a relaxing time and good memory building. We all know they become few and far between. I think you need to change your attitude about relaxing by the pool - think of it as a blessing instead of intrusion. Next time leave your legal pad at home and just take a book. Or close your eyes and relax, even if only for a few minutes.
It is amazing, though, isn't it ... how this crazy disease sometimes allows for brief windows of time when a person with AD can be 'one's old self' again? I cherish those moments, as you obviously enjoyed this window with Sid. Keep enjoying as the show continues!! And Joan ... I've written this before but it bears repeating ... YOU are an amazing individual whose blogs bring out so many emotions from your readers each and every day. You continue to hit the nail on the head so often. If only there weren't so many damn nails to hit with this disease!
Understood. While we don't watch the dog show, I do rely to a remarkable degree on finding something we'll both enjoy on television in the evening. He likes bad auditions on American Idol, so we watch that. Or I find a fun, low-demand movie. I'm not really into nightly tv, but he likes to do something "with" me, and it keeps him up until 8. If he goes to bed too early it's no good.
My glimpses are the little inside jokes that he still smiles about. You know those little looks that you giggled at or scenes that sent you off laughing? Every once in a while they will pop out and I look at him and he will smile. Makes my day.