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    • CommentAuthorMartha P
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2011
    Has anyone looked into CCSVI (Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency) as a cause for Alzheimer's symptoms? I have a friend who has MS and he thinks (and I agree) that MS, Parkinson's, and Alz are all related. His opinion is that MS patients' voices are loudest, so the focus is on MS with the CCSVI research. Anyone with experience and/or info?
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2011
    As I have mentioned in other posts, dementia is a symptom of something wrong in the body. Tests will determine what is causing the dementia symptoms. I have not heard of CCSVI, but if the evaluation is thorough, it will look at all causes for the dementia, and that may be one of them. Causes of dementia are numerous - vascular dementia, Lewy Bodies Dementia, Normal Pressure Hydrocelphalus (fluid on the brain), brain tumors, strokes, Frontal lobe dementia, vitamin deficiency. When all else is ruled out, they determine that Alzheimer's Disease is causing the dementia.

    Parkinson's Disease does have a dementia component. Not all patients with Parkinson's develop dementia, but many do.

    • CommentAuthorsheila1951
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2011
    My DH's dementia showed up before the Parkinson's. Don't know if they are related or not.
      CommentAuthorBama* 2/12
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2011
    My Dad had Parkinson's but did not have dementia.
    My cousin's husband has long suffered from Parkinson's and is terribly debilitated., but his mind is sharp as a tack. Not everyone with Parkinson's has dementia, thanks be to God!
    • CommentAuthorehamilton*
    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2011
    My husband had progressive supranuclear palsy which the doctors called a Parkinson's Plus disease. At the initial diagnosis we were told that dementia was not part of the disease. When the dementia started showing up we got the diagnosis of Frontal Temporal Dementia. Nothing was said about whether they were related in any way.