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    February is the month of Love – at least as dictated by the Retailers on every corner. Since most of us have traveled through many stages of Dementia I think now is a good time to remember – What Was…. The following two poems were in my Church Bulletin this morning and I decided to share them with you. Remember when…love was grand..

    To my husband, brave and bold,
    This is what the message told:
    Nothing fancy, nothing fine,
    Only one small valentine.
    Just a kiss and just a smile,
    All to make your life worth while.
    Proud that you have shared my life:
    To my husband-from your wife.

    Bits of ribbon, bits of lace,
    Hearts and flowers all in place,
    Tender love words, sweet and dear,
    Hope and courage from above,
    These I bring you with my love,
    For you, dearest, sweetheart mine,
    To my wife-my Valentine.
    Sometimes the greatest pleasure comes from the smallest things. Just a kiss, a smile, a word.