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    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeJan 31st 2011
    My dh has been having intermittent bouts of diahrea since starting on Aricpet about 6 months ago. I took him to the doctor today to see if we could do anything for this problem and the doctor suggested switching his medication or cutting his dose in half. As I have about a 3-month supply of Aricpet in my cupboards, I'm a bit unwilling to just switch. Besides, until just recently, I have seen a very good response to the Aricept. Lately, he's been a bit of a jerk. So, I'm not sure what to do. This is his PC suggesting this and I think I should probably discuss it with his Neurologist. Have any of you had this problem and have any of you cut the dose in half??
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJan 31st 2011
    Diarrhea has always been a problem with my hb even before he was on galantamine, so use to it. Have you tried maybe giving him an Imodium either whole or half a pill every day? That may be just enough to help.

    Others who have battled it will be along with good suggestions.
    • CommentAuthorandy*
    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2011
    My hb has been on aricept for 11 months now. From the onset I decided it would be best to take it in the am so as not to interfere with his sleep. At first it upset his stomach and yes, loose bowels and more often. This is what worked for us. He eats saltines and diet pepsi when he first gets up and an hour later eats breakfast and takes the aricept halfway through breakfast. He usually has to visit the bathroom right after he eats and maybe twice before lunch. He just commented last week that his bowels are not loose anymore and he doesn't have so many urges to go. If we have an early doctor appt. or something he doesn't take the aricept until we get home and that has kept him from getting a surprise urge while we are out.
    If you are noticing improved behavior I would recommend sticking with it awhile longer and see if he isn't able to become more tolerant of the med. As for the "jerk" part, that's just the AD rearing it's ugly head! We understand that!
    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2011
    I am thinking it has stopped working after 3 years and DW should stop taking aricept. I know that they now claim 23mg is better. They only told us that after they put generic on the market.
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2011
    My DH has been on the Aricept 23 since last Thursday and so far so good. His memory may have improved a little because he now knows/remembers where dishes go when he empties the dishwasher. I will keep him on it until most of the samples have been used just incase some unwanted side effects show up. If all goes well I will have the prescription filled.
    My DW started on Aricept, but it caused vomiting and diarrhea. She was switched to Razadyne, and then to the Exelon Patch. The diarrhea continued, even after both the Exelon and Namenda had been stopped. The diarrhea finally cleared when we cut the dose of her Metformin (for diabetes) in half. When she had the diarrhea I tried, somewhat successfully, to control it with .5 mg of Immodium (one half tablet).
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2011
    Doctor told us to half dh dose of Aricept and take 2 Pepto Bismol tabs/day until his bowels are under control. Boy, I tell you, going to the doc about this is a bit of a circus. The doctor's assistant (a cute little gal) asks dh a question about this issue; hubby tells her he has no issue; she looks to me and I shake my head "yes he does" - he does the same thing with the doctor. Finally we settle on the above rx. So, I will give this a try and let you all know how it goes.