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    • CommentAuthorMarilyn67
    • CommentTimeJan 5th 2011
    For several weeks before Christmas my DH was having a lot of disorientation problems. Since Christmas all that seems to have gone. He is back to just having short term memory problems. My question, is this the calm before the storm. Should I expect major memory changes maybe for the worse?

    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJan 5th 2011
    You don't mention what his general level of functioning is or what type of disorientation, but on most all levels, lots of activity, company, change in routine - all things that happen around the holidays - can cause disorientation, restlessness, anger. When the activity that caused the problems is gone (holidays over), they usually return to their "normal".

    Alzheimer's is a progressive disease, and yes, major memory changes will occur, but it is impossible to predict when and how. Some people lose memories slowly, over a long period of time (years), and for others, things advance more quickly. Alzheimer's Disease affects everyone differently.

    • CommentAuthorMarilyn67
    • CommentTimeJan 5th 2011
    DH was having the disorientation before the holidays. He kept thinking this was not his home, how was I related to him. He kept wanting me to take him home. Up until then he was mostly just having short term memory problems. During the holidays he did not ask to go home and knew that we were married. Knew our kids and grandkids.
    • CommentAuthordeb42657
    • CommentTimeJan 5th 2011
    Marilyn67, like Joan said, when the activity that caused the problem is gone everything will go back to their "normal" You said that before the holiday comes he acts out by wanting to go home but when it was the holiday he goes back to his "normal" For him he likes the holidays and the activity that comes along with it. For instance my DH and I went to Walmart together for the first time(not a good idea) he acted out the whole time. The minute we got home and he was around normal surroundings..."normal" again and peace in the house. Joan also said that it will progress and I am finding out that the furthure the progression the faster the progression. I wish I could tell you that, that is not the case but this disease is relentless. :(
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeJan 6th 2011
    Marilyn, stress can cause temporary sudden changes. Could he have picked up on some of the commotion and stress of you preparing for the holidays????
    • CommentTimeJan 6th 2011
    Marilyn, very interesting statement you made..."THE FURTHER THE PROGRESI0N
    THE FASTER THE PROGRESSION". I think you are correct....I would like to hear if others agree.