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    This NY Times article summarizes studies that are leading to the idea that AD might be caused by a "clogged drain" for amyloid removal, as opposed to the older notion that buildup, in AD patients, is excessive.
    Oh, now that sounds like DrainO for the Brain will be the next new med to try.
    I have just had a bad two days..DH had a HR or 146 that did not calm down so he is in hospital as of yesterday (the 13th) evening. Spent18 hours in the ER but at least they got him in a hospital room upstairs.
    Today he was doing pretty well but all meds were by IV drip..Did they have the exelon patch in the hospital pharm? No...went over all his drugs multiple times to make sure generics are not used ( warfarin vs Coumadin) etc and the times of the day these drugs are given..found out the only way the hospitalist talks to his specialists is if I call those doctors..I already told them who his doctors are! I what in hell is wrong with these medical heroes talking to each other..why are patients or advocates put in the middle like this when we tell you who does what follow up?
    And something was said to the effect he may end up with a pacemaker..

    So pardon my somewhat sarcastic remark about DrainO for the Brain...what next!!@!@!#@#@$%%$^&^&*(*(*())**) oh this is fun and I might be ready for the funny farm!
    Well, this is just an article about how research is leading to a different conceptualization of how Alzheimer's may be initiated and progress. Which is important knowledge if further research seeks to find better drugs to put into play.

    I know we all get our fill and then some of quackery such as "do crossword puzzles" and whatnot, but surely, when it comes down to it, we're in favor of research.
    It's easy to get fed up when it seems we've seen SO many studies, and SO many theories, and meanwhile our spouses are gone or dying.

    I do think, though, that they'll get it eventually. Too late for our spouses, but they'll get it maybe in time for our kids. I want to cheer them on! (when I can summon the enthusiasm.)
    emily, you are so right...